Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What a Great Time!

I cannot believe it's over, but Christmas is gone and the 6 Days that we were on "vacation" went by in a split second. We made so many special memories and spent a lot of time with family.

Before we left we went to Futlon Street in the French Quarter and walked around the Christmas Trees and saw live reindeer. It was a nice night and the music was pretty good. I only wish that when they advertised "snow" every hour -- that it was more than just bubbles! Oh well, it was still nice to walk around in the little bit cooler weather down here.

We saw Paul and Donna Lee on the first night of the Southeast...haha! I absolutely love this family and I am so thankful to have them in my life. They mean more to me than they possibly know. He definitely like my big brother and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tristan got the best present ever from me and Amanada -- The Fallen. We only wish we found it here in New Orleans. We have to give props to Donna Lee who found it in Mobile :)

We took the kiddos to Chuck-E-Cheese and had a blast! They were both really good and well-behaved. Aiden was told he had to eat before playing and boy did he...he ate 4 pieces of pizza. Wow! Crazy. It was fun watching them enjoy all the games.

This picture isn't the greatest, but it's the best we could get!

We bought Aiden a tent to go on his bed, but we set it up in the living room and he wanted all of us to go in and out of it. It was actually really big and cool! He sure does have the coolest Aunt ever!

Tried to get a good picture of the kids and Amanda and it sort of worked ;)

This is us waiting for about an hour to go into Callaway Gardens. Part of the light display was out. But GG sure did have a good attitude about waiting...haha, she was making us laugh!

Santa was getting frisky with Mom and Amanda. Haha!

We got to be with my family on Christmas morning. It was so much fun. Emily got all her presents and then she was posing for me in front of them :) So cute!

We went bowling for Leslie's birthday and had such a great time. I cannot believe that my little sister is now 24. I am getting older by the minute it seems!

This is the last picture mom and I took before I left. We matched!!!

Both Amanda and I got sick during this trip to Mobile, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Pensacola. But we had the greatest time ever. We couldn't have asked for anything better than spending time with our families!!!

Here's to 2010 and all the new things that it might have to offer!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas time at our house

It has been a crazy December here at our house. It's been amazing but it sure has gone by really fast. We looked up and it was Thanksgiving and now we're just days away from Christmas and we are so excited.

We started the wonderful celebrations of December a day early with a Saints win against the New England Patriots. We have had such an awesome season and we've gotten to go to a lot more games than we ever expected. We were 13-0 until yesterday and we lost to the Cowboys, so that makes it 13-1, but I have to say nobody would have ever expected it. We have season tickets and are looking forward to the playoffs :)

During this time of year we also have recruitment season for the Med/Peds program. I actually like it, and for a selfish reason not for the applicants themselves. It's because we get to see our friends more...ha :) We had a party at our house and we made chili and it was great! If I do say so myself, our chili is sooo good!

Don't hate, but for a really long time my favorite artist has been Kelly Clarkson. One of the greatest things about living in this wonderful city is that there are so many concerts and things to do. We found out she as coming in the middle of December, but I told Amanda that the tickets were a little bit too expensive for the month of December...but she didn't think so ;) So we went and it was so incredible!!!! We were really close and we had such a great time! I am so lucky.

We have a yearly tradition of making Christmas cookies and it is so much fun! This year I decided I was going to try to make Peanut Butter fudge and even though Amanda thinks it's a little too sugary, it turned out great. I also decided that we should make some type of sugar cookie, so I found one and it was a Rudoph cookie with pretzel antlers and red noses; they were cute but not worth the effort! Amanda made her favorites of schotcheroo's and peanut butter thumb print with hershey kisses on top. It was so fun and everything turned out great!!!

One of our neighbors actually sold us our house in 2008. She is such a wonderful person and she is trying to rebuild this neighborhood all by herself it seems. She has done 3 so far. Anyways, she always has a Christmas party and rents out an entire restaurant. We went this past week and it was great. A lot of our neighbors were there along with some other good friends. It was so much fun. I have to say that was the best Christmas Party this year!

So this week is Christmas and we have a week filled. We are driving to Mobile on Tuesday night to have dinner with Paul and his beautiful family. We are so lucky to have them in our lives. They truly hold a special place in my heart. On Wednesday morning we are getting up early to drive to Birmingham to keep Aiden and Harper for Amanda's sister. Amanda is planning a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese, so I am quite sure that Aiden will be extremely happy! We're getting up early the next morning to drive to my sister's house. On Christmas Eve we are going with my mom and my GG to Callaway to see the beautiful lights. I'm so excited because I have so many memories wrapped up in that place and it's going to be extra special to have GG with us. Christmas Day at my sisters. I am so excited to see Emily on Christmas morning with Santa presents and such, followed by driving to my Grandparents and seeing my family that I haven't seen in almost a year. Celebrating my sister's birthday on Saturday and then driving back Sunday with a stop over in Pensacola to see Mema and Grandaddy. It is a lot in 6 days, but it's going to be awesome!

This year has been amazing. Filled with many memories for a lifetime! I cannot wait to see what next year holds! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cannot believe...

That its that time of year. I absolutely love this time of year when the weather is getting colder, the leaves change colors (well, at least in other states), you have lots of yummy food, fun time with friends, soon to be Christmas lights, the smell of pumpkin things cooking, and the list could go on and on. It is most definitely my favorite time of year :)

We have decided to make a new tradition this year -- drum roll please...Turkey cookies!!! They are so adorable and easy and I'm just so excited about them.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and family.

Friday, November 13, 2009

We went to Raleigh

Amanda has had the past 2 weeks off for vacation and at the end of last week we went to Raleigh and it was great! It's always great to get out of your normal routine and visit some of the greatest people I have ever met. Raleigh is like a home away from home and I have always felt that way. I love it there, so we shall see what happens in the future ;) During our time we met Little Edward and he is such a happy baby and extremely well behaved! I am telling you that I fell in love. He is amazing and it was so great to finally meet him!!! Wish we could see him more than one time a year :(

It was a great weekend filled with babies, fun, seeing friends, football, and just an overall good time. I always look forward to seeing everybody and I can't wait for our next visit!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Halloween Costume

Thing 1 & Thing 2 was a big success...all night people kept saying "Look..." -- it was a great Halloween! :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Last night was great...

So to get things started I wanted to post a picture of the meal I made last night that was so great!!! I have never made Hamuburger Steaks with Mushroom Gravy, but when I tasted it I was pleasently surprised at how wonderful the sauce turned out! I wanted to share in my new recipe with everyone! (I would definitely recommend the red wine :) )

1 to 1 1/4 pounds extra lean ground beef
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon seasoned salt
3 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons milk
1 large egg, slightly beaten
2 tablespoons grated onion
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 to 3/4 cup thinly sliced mushrooms
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup beef broth
1 tablespoon dry red wine, optional

Combine ground beef, pepper, salt, seasoned salt, egg, onion (if you like), milk and bread crumbs. Shape into 4 oval patties. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat; fry the patties for about 5 minutes on each side, or until cooked through. Remove patties to warm plate and keep warm. Pour off all but about 2 tablespoons of the drippings. Add mushrooms to the drippings and cook until tender. Add flour to the skillet; stir until hot and bubbly. Add the beef broth and wine, (if you like) cook, stirring, until the sauce is thickened. Pour over the steaks and serve with potatoes and a vegetable side dish. Serves 4. Yummy!

Next on my to do list last night was to begin making our "Thing 1 & Thing 2" circles that we are going to put on our Halloween costumes for Saturday. What do you think? I think they turned out cute :) Can't of the entire costume to come soon!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Can I just say that I'm in love with football. I was thinking out loud to Amanda today and I started thinking about how half the season is already over and I feel like it just started. We wait all these months for football to start and then it's over in an instant! Boo.

On a better note, Alabama is still undefeated...and after yesterday's game, I'm guessing that this year they are literally going to give me a heart attack. Crazy, but I love the adrenaline rush!

Today, the Saints came out on top and they are still undefeated. Awesome. What a great way to show the critics that we truly can come back from being down on the scoreboard. But I think the best part was when some of the Saints players decided to go and high-five Saints fans that had made the trip down to Miami. I see how this city is about their Saints and I truly think they couldn't win without their fans!!!!

No NCSU game this weekend. Hopefully they can come back after the past few weekends of "interesting" football and give us a win. We are going in a couple of weeks to Raleigh and it's going to be awesome...I just can't wait! Amanda has turned me into a fan :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sweet Potatoes...

Last night we decided that we were going to try to cook sweet potatoes with dinner because we both absolutely love them!!! But, neither of us had actually cooked them before -- eaten a lot of them, but never cooked them. So, when were in the grocery store we saw a sign for yams, so we asked a lady what is the difference between sweet potatoes and yams. She began to explain that she was from the country and that she knew the difference, so she picked some out for us. As we were walking around we heard her talking to another lady about them -- it was kind of funny. Anyways, so I looked up how long and on what temp and so the cooking began...and it continued...and continued...and continued. And finally I told Amanda that if it took over an hour and half, I would just run to Popeye's and get some mashed potatoes because we were both so hungry. So, yes indeed, this is exactly what happened. Boo, we had failed miserably. But when I was on my way home, Amanda called and said the sweet potatoes were done. SERIOUSLY!!! So, we decided to eat the sweet potatoes because that is what we had been craving, but alas they weren't mushy enough for us so they were a big disappointment. The mashed potatoes we will have this weekend sometime, so they won't go to waste. Hopefully we can try again with the sweet potatoes or just make the sweet potato souffle instead next time, which is out of this world!!! Amanda's memaw has the secret ingredient, orange juice...yummy!!! This was our night -- we watched the movie Amelie and got bored with it in the end. Oh well, we still had a good night. :)

Hope all is well!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 just don't know what to do

Today I went to the doctor because what I thought was just "scarring alopecia" actually is caused by something and we're trying to figure out what it is/what caused it. Last Thursday I was in a lot of pain, so I made an appointment with a doctor that somebody recommended and she was great. It's nice to know that there are doctors out there that want to help. I have been to a few over the past several years, just to learn that they didn't know what it was, so they just shoved some creams and meds in my face and said "here ya go" -- pretty much. Hopefully the biopsies will show something and we can get it treated. But I have to tell you that I am in a lot pain, probably more than I thought I would or I'm wanting to admit. It hurts to lay on it, either side, or my back especially. So, I might have to sleep on the couch tonight just so I can sleep somewhat comfortably. Now, all I have to do is wait and hope that it's something easy that nothing a few steroid injections won't fix.

Here's to hoping!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Family Fun Weekend!!!

So, my family came to visit and we had a great time :) There were a lot of fun things that we did around the city. Emily had a blast, even though sometimes she showed it in a not so fun way...aka crying, whining, pouting, etc. I absolutely had the best weekend ever! Here are a few pictures from our adventures this weekend.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Being Frustrated with Chase!

Our home is an amazing thing, but nobody ever told me how hard it would be on the flip side. I didn't know a lot of things going into buying our first home. The frustrations that I have felt over the past several weeks are very hard to explain. I absolutely hate when you have to talk to people on the phone because they are specialized, but then they don't have the answers. It's been a frustrating situation, but we're getting somewhere slowly but surely.

But today I had to go to a branch to pay the mortgage and so I went in the drive-thru because it was raining. Now, I work at a bank so I do know a thing or two about how you are suppose to treat your customers, even if they go through the drive thru. The teller was extremely rude when I asked her for a pen, yes yes I did not bring my purse, just my wallet...I'm a horrible person I know. Or at least that's the way she seemed. Ugh, so after sending the tube back with my receipt she said nothing...not a Have a good day or even a Thank you...there was nothing. Horrible.

Other than that things are good. :) My family comes this weekend and I'm super excited!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thinking in the morning...

I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and staring into space it seems. When you begin to look at your life and all the people in it, you kind of get that warm and fuzzy feeling inside, at least I do. My gg isn't doing so well and it makes me think back on better times. I think back to the days when my gg would keep us and we would go to McDonald's to get the kids meal and she would get her fish sandwich and we would play in the playground for hours. I think back about when she would yell at us in stores because we would hide in the clothes and jump out and scare her. I think back when could walk easily into the house on Christmas morning with bags filled with toys and clothes she had made. I think back when she would crochet blankets for the people that live in Russia all year long, there were always so many blankets in her room, she was always working on one. I think back about the first time she held Emily and how happy she was. I think back when she took us on cruise and how she wanted to do everything with me and Les because she was worried about us on the ship running around without supervision. These are just a few thoughts about my gg. She's an amazing woman...I just wish I had realized it years ago.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our neighborhood!

Last night we were going to take a walk with Rebound when we got home because the temperature outside was so "fall-like," meaning around 75 degrees...ha. We were first greeted with Rebound's friend Dax right outside our door. They were running around forever while we stood there and talked with our neighbors, Chad & Paula. We then decided to continue on our first idea, the walk. He was so excited! Rebound doesn't like the hot weather, so now that it's getting a little cooler, it much more comfortable for him. Along the way we talked with some more of our neighbors on a different street. Amanda played with one of her little boys and Rebound and Lezel (another doggie friend) played in mud puddles and seemed to have a wonderful time. So, around the corner we go and we meet our other neighbors who have 2 kids and a dog. Abbie, their little girl, absolutely adores Rebound. I have started a new tradition with her...we always come inside and get a cookie for Rebound. She continues to run around and get him to chase her before she gives him the cookie. It's really cute. They also have a dog named Barks, and his name matches exactly, because all he does is bark -- the kids named him :) More of our neighbors came out and we talked for a long time. Rebound got a bath and by the time we got turned out to be about an hour and half walk. It was such a great time talking with our neighbors. As we drove to go get dinner last night with our windows down...we just thought about how great our neighbors were and happy we were with our home here in New Orleans. Last night was one of those nights that didn't have anything big planned and nothing really happened, but it was one of the greatest nights here in this wonderful place!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


We have entered Rebound into the Cutest Dog Competition!!! You can only vote 1 time per day, but it lasts until Oct 3rd!!! So go vote :)


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today has been such a great day, besides Amanda not feeling good. We have done nothing but sit on the couch. Okay, I have cleaned a little bit around the house, but other than that we have been planted on the couch watching The Sound of Music and football.

Amanda had never seen The Sound of Music and I just could not believe it. I was born in Germany, so when I turned 18 my parents wanted to take me back and show me where I was born. It was a neat trip besides all the driving we did. But when we were in Austria we went on The Sound of Music awesome!!! Of course it was the coldest day when we were there, but a great experience. My sister will tell you, all we did the entire time was sing the wonderful songs. A wonderful trip!!!

So, we joined a fantasy football league for the first time this year and can I just say one thing...I absolutely love football, but we are horrible. We lost he first 2 weeks and we're probably going to lose this week too. Ugh...hopefully next week will be better!

That's been our Sunday...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

People you care about

Sometimes life gets away from you and then someone comes to visit or even just to stop by and you realize what life is really all about. It's about the people you surround yourself with and call family. It's about making connections with people that can last a lifetime. I have some of the greatest people in the world that are people I consider my "family" and then my real family is the greatest and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.

As you get older you realize how valuable these people can mean to you. You realize how you are not going to have a thousand best friends and you are not going to have millions of close relationships. But I have learned that the ones you are going to keep close to your heart forever are the best people in the world.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Waking up early in the morning...

This week is our employee appreciation and I decided that I would make muffins for everyone at work. Well, I was telling Amanda what kind of muffins I was making...Blueberry and Banana Nut...okay, I hate Banana Nut and she was really excited about those because I do not ever make those. So, I decided I would get up and surprise her so that she could take a few to work with her this morning. She was totally surprised! :) Sometimes it's the little things in life.

So now she's running late because we're in the kitchen singing songs on the itunes. I love days that begin like this :)

Onto this week...I have another interview on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Yep that's about it for this week for us.

I am counting down the days until my family comes next month...I'm so excited! 17 more days :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My first time...

Cheryl gives me a hard time for never using "our blog," so I figured I would give it a whirl. I don't really have a lot to say other than I love days like today. There was nothing super special about today...I got up early, went into work for almost eight hours (man, it didn't seem like that long), and swung by a work cook-out on my way home. However, the really good part came when I got home. Cheryl and I did was so nice. We just laid on the couch watching football, and I fell asleep. When I woke up, we grilled hotdogs and sausages and made home-style fries. The weather was nice while I was grilling, the neighbors were out, Rebound played with the other neighborhood was just a great evening. I love traveling and going to do all kinds of fun things, but sometimes there is nothing like a quiet evening at home.

Didn't know my own strength...

Mom this is for you...this is totally true.

Whitney Houston on Oprah

Made me cry.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alabama Game...Best Weekend Ever!

My first Alabama Game!!! It was the best weekend ever! :) I was like a kid in a candy store!

We tailgated with Amanda's family to begin with and it was awesome to see all the people with their tv's and grills. It was awesome!

Amanda with her parents when the band was walking down the street. I heart marching bands!

Amanda and of the cutest pictures of the two of them ever!

Us and Big awesome is that?! :)

At the game on the 5th row...I had the greatest time ever!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Apple Bottom Jeans...

This video made me laugh out loud! Enjoy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Insurance Test...

Today is my day...I passed my insurance test and I am so so so excited!!! It is like ton of bricks have been lifted off my shoulders :)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Name

New Name -- for our much improved blog...hopefully! ;) Maybe even Amanda will post something.

NC State football tomorrow, we are excited! My test on Friday. Alabama football on Saturday. Penny & Michael's wedding on Sunday. And who could forget Labor day, which means I don't have to go to work. Awesome! (Poor Amanda, she does!)

Hope all is well!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Early in the morning...

I'm awake...Amanda is awake and actually already at work. My test is on Friday and I'm still struggling with knowing the material. I'm not sure if it's a mental block of I just don't care?! Amanda says that I need to stay here is to positivity! I'm going to have a great day today...I'm going to get studying done...I'm going to get a massage tonight (that Amanda scheduled for me :) ) and it's going to be a better day all the way around! :)

Here's to starting this week...and a 3 day weekend :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This past weekend...

Lawanda's wedding was this weekend and here are a few pictures from the wedding.
She looked beautiful, the wedding was beautiful, and everything turned out (for the most part) pretty good!  
We loved our dresses that we got for cheap from Sears.  Now we have pretty navy blue cocktail dresses! :)

Aiden was the ring bearer and he was so cute.  I thought this picture was too adorable, because normally he doesn't look at the camera.

These are from the brunch that we had for Lawanda on Sunday -- Harper loved the icing! :)

Aiden loved the was everywhere!

We also took family pictures on the beach.  Here are a few with Amanda and the kiddos.

Overall, it was good to see Amanda and her family getting along.  I'm so happy that things are hopefully on the upward swing.  I am always going to be there for Amanda and whatever she needs to help her I am more than willing to do it.  Her family is very important just like mine as well...we are all about family!

Hope everybody is well!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lot's going on...

Right now I am studying for an annuities test that I have to take for work.  I'm looking at trying to move up at some point to the Assistant Manager job and now they are requiring you to be licensed to sell annuities and life insurance.  I am trying my best.  Next week I have to go to Baton Rouge for a class for a week to get prepared for the test.  We shall see what happens!

My trip home to Atlanta was way too short.  I cried when I left my sister's house...end of story.

We went to Pensacola a couple of weekends ago and we had a great time.  Swimming at night, once Amanda made me get into the pool with her cousin and her husband.  It was nice just to be around Mema and talk with all of them, there are always interesting stories.  This coming weekend we're going back to Pensacola to see her cousin Lawanda get married, we will have lots of fun and interesting times I'm sure...more stories to come soon.

Game night at Jamie's was fun this past weekend...I just love games! :)

Hope all is well...Amanda and I are doing great!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Georgia on my mind...

Georgia is on my mind...because I'm here!  Yay!!!  Today was a long day for Emily.  We went to Chuck-E-Cheese and it was really fun.  She was so funny just running around.  We danced, and played games, and got a total of 200 tickets which equaled to 1 airhead, 1 blow up hammer, 1 tootsie pop, and stickers.  Fun.  We had to clean mom's house because GG's 80th birthday party is happening tomorrow.  I think mom is excited about having it, but I also think she will be happy when it's over.  Dinner with Dad tonight was interesting...a little hard at times, but at least he's trying.  Sometimes you can feel tension between everyone when he is around, but I have to give a little respect where it's due...he does try; he might not always try the right thing or do say the right thing, but at least he's trying.  Em was so tired tonight that she was acting now we're home it's not even 9 o'clock and I am exhausted!  I love being home (but wishing Amanda was with me!)  Tomorrow is going to be great!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 Week Goal = Melting Pot

So, I am on a new venture of trying to get more healthy, trying to lose weight, and trying to feel better about myself.  I have recently purchased a pedometer so that I can count my steps as I walk all day long.  So far so good, yesterday was my first day over 5000 steps.  They recommend you do at least 10,000 steps a day.  I thought sure...I can do that.  I worked all day long yesterday and I went and walked almost 2 miles at the gym (30 minutes on the treadmill) and I only had 8800 steps.  So needless to say it's going to be a battle to get those steps in every day.  I have also created a workout plan, thanks to which includes walking/running/biking and weightlifting as well as stretching on a daily basis.  I have a 6 week goal and hopefully along the way a little bit of weight and trimming up will take effect.  I'm excited about my new adventure.  Amanda told me if I can stick to the plan for at least 90% then we can go to the melting pot.  I mean...that sounds like a winner to me.  I definitely need a motivation and that just helps things right along.  It's going to be a tough battle but I am in it...because I want to feel great!!!  So wish me luck and hopefully I will be posting how I'm doing in the future! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I got a pedometer!

I have decided that I am going to try to walk 10,000 steps a day.  They say that is how many you should typically walk in a day.  So, today is my first day and hopefully I do more than that!  I need to get back on my normal exercise routine because when I am exercising it makes me feel good.  Last night I went and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill.  My heart was pumping, I was sweating, and it made me feel good about myself.  So, hopefully I can kick my butt in gear and get myself moving so that I can begin to feel even better about myself.  I thought I would get a pedometer so that I could have some type of goal.  Every couple of days you are suppose to upload your steps into this online site and it helps keep track of things for you.  Wish me luck...and everyone else get out there and take your 10,000 steps a day too!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twizzlers and a Coke

I have been obsessed with twizzlers this week.  I have only wanted that and a coke.  Amanda bought them for me tonight and they are totally awesome.  She doesn't like them but that just means the more for me.  Of course Rebound found out that he liked them :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Love

So we have been watching (via Netflix) the HBO Series Big Love.  It is an extremely intriguing show because it puts you into the lives of 4 individuals that run 3 different households, but one as well all at the same time.  You know you sit back and you think how could someone be a polygamist and live a semi-normal life?  This show shows you that behind walls every family has problems and things they need to solve.  All the twists and turns of living in Salt Lake and running a big's just such a great show.  If you haven't watched it, I truly recommend it, but don't cut it off after the first couple of episodes.  It definitely takes a couple of episodes to get gets better so give it a chance :) 

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while and I keep saying that I'm going to get better at it.  Today I have been sitting here for 2 hours doing nothing when I have so many things that I could be doing, but all I can think about is missing my family.  Maybe that's because I am in the process of making a dvd for my GG for her 80th birthday that is coming up in 2 weeks.  My mom has been sending some pictures of her and our family.  Here are some pictures.  

Her daddy walking her down the aisle on her wedding day! :)

My Grandfather and GG...I never met him, but I have heard my whole life that he was an extraordinary man, father, and grandfather.  My mom has told me stories that he loved being a granddaddy!

And this picture is my GG when she graduated high school, isn't she beautiful!

My GG is one of the neatest people I have ever met.  Amanda and I have learned so much more about her in the past several years.  Amanda learned that she was on the swim team...and even my mom didn't know that.  Funny, how older people "forget" to tell you things.  She is intelligent, she is witty, she can be mean, and she is loving.  She is someone that I have looked up to in my life and didn't even realize it until I got older.  I have watched her with her great grandchild and wish I could "really" remember how she was with Leslie and I when we were little.  She used to scream at us in the department stores because we would be hiding in the clothes racks, she would take us to McDonald's on Wednesday's because it was Senior Citizens Day and she could have her fried fish sandwich, she was always there for us whether that be Christmas morning or a dance recital.  I have grown to learn and appreciate everything that she has done for me over the years.  I'm sitting here crying thinking about all the wonderful times we have had together and I cannot wait to go home and hug her neck and tell her how much I love her on her birthday...I cannot wait.  

My GG and me!