Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sweet Potatoes...

Last night we decided that we were going to try to cook sweet potatoes with dinner because we both absolutely love them!!! But, neither of us had actually cooked them before -- eaten a lot of them, but never cooked them. So, when were in the grocery store we saw a sign for yams, so we asked a lady what is the difference between sweet potatoes and yams. She began to explain that she was from the country and that she knew the difference, so she picked some out for us. As we were walking around we heard her talking to another lady about them -- it was kind of funny. Anyways, so I looked up how long and on what temp and so the cooking began...and it continued...and continued...and continued. And finally I told Amanda that if it took over an hour and half, I would just run to Popeye's and get some mashed potatoes because we were both so hungry. So, yes indeed, this is exactly what happened. Boo, we had failed miserably. But when I was on my way home, Amanda called and said the sweet potatoes were done. SERIOUSLY!!! So, we decided to eat the sweet potatoes because that is what we had been craving, but alas they weren't mushy enough for us so they were a big disappointment. The mashed potatoes we will have this weekend sometime, so they won't go to waste. Hopefully we can try again with the sweet potatoes or just make the sweet potato souffle instead next time, which is out of this world!!! Amanda's memaw has the secret ingredient, orange juice...yummy!!! This was our night -- we watched the movie Amelie and got bored with it in the end. Oh well, we still had a good night. :)

Hope all is well!

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