Friday, July 24, 2009

Georgia on my mind...

Georgia is on my mind...because I'm here!  Yay!!!  Today was a long day for Emily.  We went to Chuck-E-Cheese and it was really fun.  She was so funny just running around.  We danced, and played games, and got a total of 200 tickets which equaled to 1 airhead, 1 blow up hammer, 1 tootsie pop, and stickers.  Fun.  We had to clean mom's house because GG's 80th birthday party is happening tomorrow.  I think mom is excited about having it, but I also think she will be happy when it's over.  Dinner with Dad tonight was interesting...a little hard at times, but at least he's trying.  Sometimes you can feel tension between everyone when he is around, but I have to give a little respect where it's due...he does try; he might not always try the right thing or do say the right thing, but at least he's trying.  Em was so tired tonight that she was acting now we're home it's not even 9 o'clock and I am exhausted!  I love being home (but wishing Amanda was with me!)  Tomorrow is going to be great!!!

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