Sunday, October 9, 2011

1/2 year old!

A ½ year old and the time is passing by as quickly. We are both trying to enjoy her as much as we can so because we know that this time is so precious and we’re never going to get back the silly little moments or the sweet grins. Since Regan has come into our life things have changed, but it’s changed so much for the good with bathtime and sweet giggles and precious smiles, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Regan now weighs in around 16 lbs. She’s officially in 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9 month, depending on the brand. She wears shoes most of the time when she is with us and she wears a size 2, but size 3 is coming pretty fast. She is about 26 inches long, above average for her age. When we went to the doctor she was so good. She played with all of her toys forever while we were waiting on the doctor to come in…silly doctors!

We have officially started her on solid food, besides the Oatmeal cereal that she was getting…which she loves by the way! I was so excited to see what kind of new foods she would eat. I knew I wanted to make her food even though I had no clue how I was going to make it. Mom gave us her Bullet and we bought some ice cube trays to freeze it and some little Tupperware bowls to bring it to school everyday. It actually wasn’t that hard at all…much cheaper too! We started off with Green Beans, and boy my bubble was popped quickly…she hated it. It was a horrible experience, she cried the entire time. We tried again and she did a little better, but she was definitely not a fan. Next we moved onto Zucchini and this turned her around…oh man, she loves it and even smacks her lips…too funny. Limas, depends on the nights, sweet peas (she’s only had these out of the store jars) she ate in NC and she liked them, and asparagus…which she loved! Gotta admit…the kid likes the “weird” veggies…good for us!!! We’re onto a different color tonight and Carrots, we shall see how that goes. It has definitely been fun feeding her and it’s neat to see her funny faces when she’s not a fan and when she likes something. I cannot wait to feed her fruit. And she will definitely be ready for some Thanksgiving food and Christmas Dinner

This past month she has become her own person. It is so fun to watch her grow as a person and learn new things everyday. She’s starting to crawl and it’s so funny. She was army crawling for a while, but she is definitely now officially crawling…now, it still takes her a while and she gets tired, but it’s happening…especially if she’s after Rebound…so cute! I am amazed at how quickly she has caught on. Of course I have no concept as to how long it should take, but I think it’s amazing!!! Amanda says I shouldn’t have wished it so soon, but it will be neat to tell her…”come on” and hopefully she will follow…ha, we shall see how that all works out. I’m excited for her, but I sure Rebound won’t be too excited when she will be chasing after him ;)

We went to Raleigh last weekend and Regan got to meet so many new people and she got to see where she’s going to live starting next year with cooler weather. We had an awesome weekend with awesome people.

She is the most wonderful thing!!! So proud to be her Mama :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Regan definitely entertains us :)

This is what we see from our couch :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Here are a few of my favorite things about Regan...

Here are a few of my favorite things about Regan...

Her smiles in the mornings. The twinkle in her eye. The way she giggles. The look of delight when you hand her a light up toy. When she is in the Bjorn, how she kicks her feet constantly. I love when she looks in the mirror...she has no idea that she's laughing at herself. Her little outfits are the best. The sighs she makes when she's on my shoulder about to fall asleep. The smiles she has when I pick her up from daycare. Feeding her breakfast, she says mmm... and she gets so excited! The look of enjoyment in her eyes when Rebound gives her kisses. I absolutely love going in her room at night to watch her sleep, one of the sweetest times we have. I am so in love with this little girl. She completes my world.

Monday, August 15, 2011

4 1/2 Months

Newborn picture
She's almost 5 months now!

Ok, so I have been such a slacker in posting on the blog that I have just got to do better. Regan is 4 1/2 months here is an update of what has been going on around our house.

In the mornings when you go into her room she is on her belly looking up at you and grinning from ear to ear. If you roll her over, she will just smile at you and try to roll back over. Some days you have to wake her up and she is a hard one let me tell you...she will rub her eyes for 5 minutes trying to wake up and Amanda always says that she's going to be a hard teenager to wake up, haha!

She loves her food and when she wants it...she wants it right then. She started on Rice Cereal but she was having some reflux so we stopped it this week to see if that would help and it did, so we're going to try something different next week...Oatmeal, yummy! We shall see how it goes.

Bath night = the most fun Regan has anytime. She absolutely loves kicking, splashing, and giggling at our silly songs we sing to her...I think it's the most fun any of us have :)

She is starting to scoot around, well kind of. She definitely wants to crawl, she came home from daycare one night and she must have seen some of the babies crawling around and so she tried to figure it out...ha, it's so cute. Amanda says our life is about to be over when she starts crawling around.

We take walks pretty regularly with our neighbors and Regan is almost always in the Baby Bjorn and she loves it. There are 2 things that will happen, either she will fall asleep or she will kick her legs the whole time and laugh.

Rebound and Regan are becoming fast friends...well, at least Regan thinks so! She loves to tug on him and pull him. We keep telling him that once she starts crawling she is going to come after him, because right now he walks away if he gets annoyed...things will be changing soon!

That's just a few things and here are a couple of pictures of how quickly Regan has grown up in the past 4 1/2 months, crazy how fast time is flying...probably because we're having so much fun!!!

Much love from Regan :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

3 Months Already

Man...Regan is 3 months already. She is doing so great. I look at her pictures from when she was born and I think to, I cannot believe how much she has changed and it's only been 3 short months. I have no clue what is in store for us, but change is inevitable.

Regan loves to eat. She loves to sleep through the night, which her mommies are happy about. Daycare doesn't seem to bother her and they tell us that she has a good time. The morning is her favorite still, and I'm glad Amanda got to be here the other morning to see just how happy she truly is. Rebound gives her kisses and she smiles now at him. She doesn't like to be cradled anymore...she is definitely one that likes to look around. She is interested in everything. We went out to eat last night and she took forever to take her bottle because she couldn't stop watching things long enough to pay attention to her bottle, ha. She loves water. We took her swimming last weekend and she had such a good time. She laughed at Harper because she kept jumping in the pool. The other morning the wind blew the blanket off her carrier and the rain got in her face and she was grinning from ear to ear, such a funny moment. Bath time is still her favorite, she can stay in there over 30 minutes if we let her. She's not too much of a fan of her carseat and heaven forbid you have to stop at red light...she's not a fan of those either. She loves her paci, but loves her hands more. We still swaddle her at night because she sleeps through the night like that, but we're thinking that we need to transition to not doing that soon, maybe tonight. She is in love with being outside, the bugs don't seem to bother her. The playmat is becoming her friend with the songs it sings. She's sometimes ok with her bumbo seat, sometimes not so much. The child does not like to take long naps, it's more like cat naps throughout the day, she doesn't want to miss anything.

We are just amazed at every little thing she does. It's so much fun seeing things through her eyes. Being her Mom is the most special thing :) We are so blessed that we have a daughter that is so good, most of the time! Regan is doing just great and we are so thankful to have her in our lives!

Much love from Regan :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

12 Weeks Today

Well, she's not 3 months in terms of the months, but she is officially 12 weeks old today. I cannot believe it!!! :) Regan is growing each and every day, that it's crazy. She's starting noticing her feet and the fact that she moves them, which is funny. She's drooling more...guessing the teething stage is coming faster than we realized. She loves to pull hair, necklaces, etc...except she doesn't grip toys all that well yet. She's a happy baby in the morning, she's a happy baby in the bathtub, she is a happy baby when you go outside...she's not a happy baby when you stop at red lights sometimes, she's not a happy baby when you take her out of the bath, and she's not a happy baby when we make her do tummy time. She's sweet and cuddles, but only when she wants to. She loves to look at Rebound and loves to be up on your shoulder to look around. Her personality is definitely shining through.

A little bit after her 2 month "birthday" we took her to the doctor and she weighed in at 9 lbs 3 ozs, but we know she's gotten much bigger since then. She's much longer and she's definitely in 0-3 month clothes. Amanda and I both had to work one weekend, so Lauren kept her and Jenn came over to play...they said she was good, so here's hoping to her being a good girl. I was off for Memorial Day, so me and Regan hung out all day long. :) My Mom flew in for a weekend so that she could spend so time with Regan because she just couldn't stand seeing pictures and how much she had changed. Amanda and I had Med-Peds Graduation to go to, so one of our church friends, Maryann Chrestman, kept Regan. We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives to watch little Regan and be excited to do so. Tristan came this weekend, Russell wasn't able to get off of work :( We did however have a good time just talking, playing with Regan and laughing. It's always good to get a good dose of North Carolina :) We have many trips planned for this summer as we travel around the Southeast it seems to visit family and let Regan meet her extended family.

The time is definitely flying by. Regan is getting so big already and it seems like we will be planning her 1st birthday before we know it!

Love from Regan

Sunday, May 22, 2011

2 Months

Regan Lynn is officially 2 months old. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the time would be passing by so quickly. Here are a few things that have been happening with Regan...She has grown into a personality and it's so much fun. She's still a chill baby and always good when we're on the go. One thing has not changed for Amanda & I...we still go go go, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but it's our life and we love it. :) Regan is typically cold, crazy child, she likes her blankets. She's still be swaddled at night, but we're hoping that changes soon. She sleeps for about 5 hours and then wants to eat, and then another 3 hours during the night, not too shabby. She likes to be bounced to "almost" asleep before being put in her crib. The transition to the crib in her room was so easy, a little too easy actually ;) She's a happy baby when her diaper is changed. She's beginning to smile and it melts our heart. Her eyes are staying blue, and we love that! Rebound gives her kisses and she's still not too sure, but she doesn't cry anymore. Her swing time is starting to become better, the girls at daycare says she loves it. She has started daycare and I think Mama got more upset than Regan, ha. They say she is a superstar :) She loves the Baby Bjorn, which is great for us. Our walks at night with Rebound are fun and she just chills. I keep trying to part her hair. Her hair is getting thicker. Bath time is still her favorite time and it's fun to watch her splash around. She loves to have lotion put on her, she is her Mommy's child ;) She is so much fun and we cannot wait to see what Month 3 has to offer us :)

Much love from Regan!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

So what's been going on...

Well, I wrote this entire blog the other day and then it went down and it was before I could save the blog. Basically I talked about how incredibly lucky I am. :) So here are a few pictures and I will write more later because Regan is almost 2 months old...oh my goodness, craziness!!!

This is our family Easter picture and I think it is beautiful!

This is a picture with Dr. Perret, she delivered Regan and she is awesome!!

Here are a few pictures me and Regan. I was trying to take them myself and she went from being happy to not so happy, ha.

Regan also went to her first Jazz Fest and we had a great time as a family. The weather was beautiful and Amanda got to use the Baby Bjorn for the first time and it was awesome! Regan loved it to :)

Funny story. During the few hours that we were at Jazz Fest we needed to feed Regan. So we found a hospitality tent and a table, awesome. Amanda fed her and then this random lady came up and started complaining about how people save all this space and she was not happy about that, blah blah blah. The whole time, I was like...why in the world is lady telling us what she doesn't like about Jazz Fest. Finally, this guy started talking to her and she went away. I asked Amanda, throughout laughing, why did she do that?! She then informed me that we were sitting behind a table that said "Tell us your Jazz Fest story." Oh...totally didn't know that, it was funny!

Regan had her hat on and she looked so cute :)

And this is what happens during tummy time now...sleep. Nice!

These are just a few things going on. I will write more later about what Regan has been doing in the past month :0) Cannot believe baby girl will be 2 months old soon.

Much love from Regan

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 Weeks

Well, Regan is officially 6 weeks old and the time has gone by so incredibly fast. I have never had time fly like it has lately. Amanda started Q3 last Saturday, so we are all trying to get on a routine since I will be starting back on May 16th...sad face! :( I think I am ready to go back to work, but not ready to leave Regan with people that I am not familiar with at the daycare. I guess I should just be lucky that I have been able to take as much time as I have, it will be a total of 8 weeks. This time has helped me bond with Regan and watch her grow so much. :)

As I sit here and write this blog, Regan is sitting in her bouncer seat looking so peaceful as she sleeps. She is in love with her bouncer seat. Amanda's Mom gave it to us, it was her niece's and she didn't really like it. Regan loves it so much!!! We are so thankful to have it because it seriously does chill her out.

It's a little cooler today for some reason and Regan is bundled from head to toe because she was shivering. One thing I have to say about our child is that she is always freezing. Her little bottom lip quivers and she looks at you with her precious eyes that say "please please please get me a blanket." But on that same note, she does not like her arms to be covered up...she's a crazy one!

Regan is starting to sleep at night for anywhere between 3 to 5 hours. Most of the time it's in the 4 hour range, but we're super excited about the consecutive sleep. We are also super lucky that after I feed her in the middle of the night, typically I rock her for a few minutes and then put her back down and she goes right back to sleep. She is not really a morning baby. She likes to eat and then go back to sleep. It's fun to have her awake and so alert in the afternoon though. I'm totally waiting for the for-real smile! She has smiled, but not intentionally...she is trying so hard and I just know it will happen very very soon. :)

She still doesn't know what to think about Rebound and his kisses. She's okay for a minute, but if he keeps licking her...she just doesn't know what to think. It's cute. Rebound on the other hand is still not too sure about her.

Bath time is Amanda's favorite time and I have to say that Regan actually loves it too. She totally loves being in the water and doesn't mind at all. Last night for the first time we took the newborn foam insert out to where she was literally sitting in the water and she didn't cry. I think she will be kicking around in the water really soon!

These are just the little things in Regan's life that has happened over the past few weeks. Still in amazement that we have a beautiful little girl! We are just the happiest we could possibly be!!! We are so lucky! :)

Much love from Regan!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 weeks

Wow, Regan is already a month old...where has the time gone.?! Amanda and I are just in amazement of how much she has already grown and changed. She now weighs 7 lbs and 8 ozs, which is up from her last appointment at the doctor of 6 lbs and 12 ozs. Her face is filling out and you can tell she is much longer because her nightgowns are definitely a little tighter. But on a different note, she is awake more now and much more alert. She'll stare at you and cuddle with you. Her eyes are not as "cross-eyed" all the time and they look like they might be blue...we're crossing our fingers! She's cold all the time, so when you put a blanket on her and pull her in to your chest she cuddles right up to you. What an amazing feeling to have a little person stare at you or stop crying when she hears your voice, even if it's just for a moment. She's learning our voices and it's amazing!!! I still cannot believe that we have a wonderful little girl...the feeling I feel inside me is indescribable. Amanda and I feel so much love :) Amanda has been gone since Monday because she's interviewing with UNC and Duke. She has had a hard time with leaving little missy this week because our life is totally consumed with her...all Amanda wanted to do was have cuddles from her little girl and story time. She will be home on Thursday and I am quite sure that I will not be able to get a cuddle in...ha. What a wonderful thing to see Amanda with Regan, so much love :)

We cannot wait to see what the next 2 weeks will be like with Regan in our lives. Pictures to come!

Much love

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2 weeks

This is a beautiful picture of Regan...this is how she looks when she's sleeping. Our nights of sleeping a solid 8 or so hours is totally over for the next X number of years. Ha! But seriously, we are getting between 5 & 6 hours a night, which isn't that bad with a newborn at home. She goes down sometimes really easily and then other nights not so much. Amanda and I have done our best with taking turns at night...we're an amazing team! :)

Regan is now a little over 2 weeks old and has already changed so much. We were looking at her Nursery pictures from the hospital and the newborn pictures that our friend Jen took...and she already looks different. She's trying to grab at things already and she knows what she wants and when she wants it. It's amazing how much she can change in just a couple of days, literally. She's getting to the point that sometimes she can go 4 hours without feeding, but for the most part it's still around 3 hours each time. She took her first bottle this week, such a big girl! She still doesn't really mind bath time and she loves to have lotion rubbed on her...we told her she had to love lotion like her mommies!

Amanda's family is coming this weekend, then my Mom is coming on Friday and then my sister is coming the week after that. Lots of love for little Regan!!!

Still completely in love with her,
Cheryl (& Amanda)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Regan Lynn

Wow, what a week have just had! Regan Lynn England was born on March 22, 2011 at 6:08 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 ozs, and she was 19 inches long. As I type this I am looking at our beautiful little girl with tears in my eyes.

Our delivery was definitely not that bad. I had to be induced because my blood pressures were creeping up. A couple of hours after they broke my water, I was fully dilated and Regan was ready to make her debut. Pushed for 20 minutes and that was about it until the doctor came in...then a couple more pushes and she was out. Amanda was able to pull her out and put her on my chest and we instantly were in love.

What an amazing experience being a mother is...I know I have many many more years ahead, but it's already the most rewarding and most special thing that I have ever done in my life. I look at her and I am just filled with so many emotions. Watching Amanda with her melts my heart every time. I have got to the be the luckiest girl in the world...I have the most amazing little family.

We cannot wait to see what the next days, weeks, and years have in store for us. We are so ready to go on this journey with Regan :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The past few days...

This past weekend we finally finished her room and we couldn't be happier!!! We feel so accomplished to get it all done :) I absolutely love seeing her name written out, because I love her name so much.

Amanda refinished a bookcase that we already had and it turned out wonderful! It matches the other furniture so good.

We had the bedding picked out for a girl even before we knew it was going to be Regan. We absolutely loved the animals in the bedding. It has different shades of purples, some khaki, some light orange, and some pink...we love it! I think the elephant is the cutest!

We even find Rebound in the room sometimes just laying down. :) He's confused, but we know he will love Regan and they will be the best of friends!

The chair in the corner was one of the biggest purchases, but I have to say that it is so comfortable and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!! Cannot wait to sit with Regan in the chair and listen to quiet music together :)

So last Saturday we went to Babies R Us to buy the last few things that we know we're going to need right at the beginning and we found this adorable little outfit for a newborn. It is so cute and I cannot wait for her to wear it. But the funny story is...Amanda and I were talking about how cute it was because it was 2 outfits and a hat. Amanda was like the hat is so cute, but it looks like a Stegosaurus Dinosaur and all I could do was laugh, because obviously that is not what it is a flower to match the outfit?!?! :) We just laughed and laughed, I guess we're getting a little out of it and delirious.

So now we are still sitting and waiting. I was once again placed in the hospital on Tuesday night. This time was different, it was because I had high blood pressure. Needless to say, Regan does not want me to work anymore, so I am officially on bedrest until she decides to make her appearance. We're hoping it's going to happen sooner rather than later! We have our bags packed and the carseat is in Amanda's car, so we are ready...but just waiting!

Dear Regan, Mama is starting to get uncomfortable and both of your mommies cannot wait for you to get here. We are ready to be able to hold you in our arms instead of just feeling you move in my belly. We pray every night that you are growing strong and that when you are ready, you will make your appearance. Many people are ready to meet you too. You are one loved little girl!!

Your inpatient mommies :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The waiting game...

So, now we are into the waiting game and on pins and needles all the time because we're just not sure when Regan will make her appearance. She decided to throw a curve ball this week that ended up with me being in the hospital overnight. Came home and now it's just like..."what do we do now.?!"

Her room is almost ready and hopefully Amanda can get some of the stuff put on the walls this weekend and then we can post some pictures. We are ready for her :)

Man, but these days I'm just emotional when it comes to anything and everything. Hormones are definitely going crazy and it's hard to keep them under control. I'm not the type that screams and yells, but I am the type that will just start crying and cannot stop. Amanda is being so wonderful and supportive and I couldn't ask for anything more. She is amazing and I cannot wait to see how she is with Regan too!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Being so emotional...

As the days begin to wind down of it being just the two of us, I'm becoming more and more emotional each and every day. There are so many emotions that go through you that it's crazy. You're happy one minute and laughing and then crying the next minute because you're so happy, I'm just all over the place all the time. As the days go on I rub my tummy and I realize that my little girl is in there. Regan is kicking around and I cannot wait until she comes out and we can love on her, rock her, sing to her, and just love on her all the time.

Becoming a Mom is one of the things that I'm going to cherish the most! Alright, I have to stop crying now :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

34 Weeks...

Wow is a good way to start this blog. Wow, my belly is getting bigger. Wow, we will be mommies really soon. Wow, we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. Wow, Regan kicks harder and harder each day. Wow, Amanda is going to be an amazing mommy. Wow...Wow...Wow, our life is about to be turned upside down in the most amazing way! :)

34 weeks today -- meaning she weighs almost 5 lbs and is about 18 inches long. No wonder she's been pushing harder and it's hurting more now. I have been an emotional roller coaster here lately. Tears and laughter have been involved, but Amanda has been amazing and so patient with me.

We have been getting things ready for Regan's room and I couldn't be more excited! To see things coming together is just amazing! We put the dresser together yesterday and we couldn't be happier. The crib is later this week. I also cannot wait to get her little clothes in the washer and dryer and hung in the closet. Seeing all her shoes just makes me say "awww" too many times. I painted the letters of her name tonight to be able to hang on the wall, that is in case we forget her name...we will have a cheat sheet ;)

Just found out that the name Regan means "Royal" ... so we shall see how that goes. Ha, cannot wait to meet our baby girl!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Letter from Mama...

Dear Baby Regan, I wanted to write a note to you while you are still in mama’s tummy. We’re 33 weeks and 2 days along, what an adventure we have been on. From the very beginning of talking about us wanting to become parents to now, everything has been new and somewhat challenging but we couldn’t be more excited for you to get here. I have loved being pregnant. I can not imagine a more important role I am going to take in my life. Your Mommy and I could not be more excited that we are having you, our little baby girl Regan Lynn. We talk to you on a daily basis and tell you how excited we are to meet you. Your room is not ready but our hearts are. Your clothes are all over the place but your big brother Rebound is totally confused about all the “new” stuff in your room. We truly believe that we are going to be the best parents to you that we can possibly be. The beginning was a little rough with having sickness almost every night and now here at the end is getting kind of rough because I am having heartburn every night, but it doesn’t take anything away from me being so happy to have you with me all the time. Having you in my tummy has been the most amazing experience. There have been ups and downs, but we’ve gone through everything together and you have done so great. Every appointment I get nervous because I just don’t know what to expect and I don’t think that is going to change until you get here. I can feel you move on a daily basis, all day actually. You kick and push things that I didn’t even know I had. We go to Yoga together once a week for both of us to stretch things and to get ready for your pending arrival. You’re in love with caffeine and probably mad at me now because I am not supposed to be drinking any. Cookies are your favorite, at least I think they are because you kick me more at night when I eat some! We cannot wait to meet you. We have more love for you than you could possibly imagine; we have more love for you than we could have ever imagined. Your mommies love you and we cannot wait to meet you.

Kisses forever,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

32 weeks...

Well, it's been a month since I have blogged and boy was it a fast month! We cannot believe that we're less than 8 weeks away from meeting our little girl. Time is flying by way too fast. Everyone told us that 9 months wouldn't be long enough...I didn't believe them at first, but it is so true. Everyone is also telling us that you will not be completely ready for her to get here...and I'm beginning to believe that as well.

So what's happening now...I'm feeling her move all the time; I'm having a hard time sleeping at night because I have heartburn so bad; I'm also having to sleep sitting up; I cannot eat that much because there is not a lot of room in my belly; she pushes on my ribs all the time; I am beginning to feel a lot of pressure; my hips hurt all the time; I definitely waddle around when I walk; Rebound is not happy with me right now, kind of weird; my feet swell only sometimes, but if it happens Amanda rubs them, so that's a plus; I'm tired all the time...and there are of course plenty more things that are happening.

I have not gained 20 pounds as of yet, but I am expecting that today at the doctor I will have hit that mark. Everyone says I have the pregnancy glow, but I'm not sure I see it. I am glad that I've mostly gained the pregnancy weight in my belly.

I registered Regan for daycare today and it was such a surreal experience writing her name on things. I mean I have written her name, but not on anything official, such a neat feeling. We are emotionally ready to hold our baby girl in our arms. Cannot believe that we will be Moms so soon :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Start of January

It's January 8th already and time is just flying by. We have plenty to do around the house, but what am I doing instead...sitting on the couch watching football. I cannot get enough and there will be more time to get things done, right?!?!

This week is full of many things from "Child Education Series Class," to staying late at work, to my 2nd Glucose Test which lasts 3 hours, a doctors appointment where hopefully Dr. Perret will clear me to start Yoga on Thursday and then working on Saturday. Man...going to be a busy week. I can feel myself getting more tired as the weeks go by and my feet are starting to swell by the end of the day, but I feel like I'm trying to be a trooper through everything.

My Aunt gave me a book full of quotes about babies and their mommies. One of my favorite quotes in the book says " The best is always yet to come." :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Year Regan is born :)

Well, it's 2011 and I cannot believe it's here!!! We have started this year with Childbirth Education Series class that is every week for 2 hours in the month of January. So, our first class was this week and I have to say that it was quite interesting. I think that since Amanda is a doctor she just has forgotten to tell me some things...haha. I am actually looking forward to all the classes just to somewhat prepare me and teach me things that I literally have not thought about.

We have many things that are planned this month, but the 2 exciting things are our showers. We are having one shower in Atlanta and we are one here in New Orleans. I cannot believe Regan will be here in 3 months...the time is going by so fast!

January is also the month that my grandmother passed away last year. This is a time of reflection to think about her and how I am sad that she will not be able to meet her 2nd great grandbaby. I think that she would be so excited for us and I do know that she's looking down on us and smiling. I cannot believe it's been almost a year and I miss her so much.

Here's to 2011 and the many wonderful things that are going to happen :)