Saturday, January 8, 2011

Start of January

It's January 8th already and time is just flying by. We have plenty to do around the house, but what am I doing instead...sitting on the couch watching football. I cannot get enough and there will be more time to get things done, right?!?!

This week is full of many things from "Child Education Series Class," to staying late at work, to my 2nd Glucose Test which lasts 3 hours, a doctors appointment where hopefully Dr. Perret will clear me to start Yoga on Thursday and then working on Saturday. Man...going to be a busy week. I can feel myself getting more tired as the weeks go by and my feet are starting to swell by the end of the day, but I feel like I'm trying to be a trooper through everything.

My Aunt gave me a book full of quotes about babies and their mommies. One of my favorite quotes in the book says " The best is always yet to come." :)

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