Tuesday, February 8, 2011

32 weeks...

Well, it's been a month since I have blogged and boy was it a fast month! We cannot believe that we're less than 8 weeks away from meeting our little girl. Time is flying by way too fast. Everyone told us that 9 months wouldn't be long enough...I didn't believe them at first, but it is so true. Everyone is also telling us that you will not be completely ready for her to get here...and I'm beginning to believe that as well.

So what's happening now...I'm feeling her move all the time; I'm having a hard time sleeping at night because I have heartburn so bad; I'm also having to sleep sitting up; I cannot eat that much because there is not a lot of room in my belly; she pushes on my ribs all the time; I am beginning to feel a lot of pressure; my hips hurt all the time; I definitely waddle around when I walk; Rebound is not happy with me right now, kind of weird; my feet swell only sometimes, but if it happens Amanda rubs them, so that's a plus; I'm tired all the time...and there are of course plenty more things that are happening.

I have not gained 20 pounds as of yet, but I am expecting that today at the doctor I will have hit that mark. Everyone says I have the pregnancy glow, but I'm not sure I see it. I am glad that I've mostly gained the pregnancy weight in my belly.

I registered Regan for daycare today and it was such a surreal experience writing her name on things. I mean I have written her name, but not on anything official, such a neat feeling. We are emotionally ready to hold our baby girl in our arms. Cannot believe that we will be Moms so soon :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture!!! Hang in there girl you blessing is almost here :)