Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 weeks

Wow, Regan is already a month old...where has the time gone.?! Amanda and I are just in amazement of how much she has already grown and changed. She now weighs 7 lbs and 8 ozs, which is up from her last appointment at the doctor of 6 lbs and 12 ozs. Her face is filling out and you can tell she is much longer because her nightgowns are definitely a little tighter. But on a different note, she is awake more now and much more alert. She'll stare at you and cuddle with you. Her eyes are not as "cross-eyed" all the time and they look like they might be blue...we're crossing our fingers! She's cold all the time, so when you put a blanket on her and pull her in to your chest she cuddles right up to you. What an amazing feeling to have a little person stare at you or stop crying when she hears your voice, even if it's just for a moment. She's learning our voices and it's amazing!!! I still cannot believe that we have a wonderful little girl...the feeling I feel inside me is indescribable. Amanda and I feel so much love :) Amanda has been gone since Monday because she's interviewing with UNC and Duke. She has had a hard time with leaving little missy this week because our life is totally consumed with her...all Amanda wanted to do was have cuddles from her little girl and story time. She will be home on Thursday and I am quite sure that I will not be able to get a cuddle in...ha. What a wonderful thing to see Amanda with Regan, so much love :)

We cannot wait to see what the next 2 weeks will be like with Regan in our lives. Pictures to come!

Much love

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