Thursday, April 7, 2011

2 weeks

This is a beautiful picture of Regan...this is how she looks when she's sleeping. Our nights of sleeping a solid 8 or so hours is totally over for the next X number of years. Ha! But seriously, we are getting between 5 & 6 hours a night, which isn't that bad with a newborn at home. She goes down sometimes really easily and then other nights not so much. Amanda and I have done our best with taking turns at night...we're an amazing team! :)

Regan is now a little over 2 weeks old and has already changed so much. We were looking at her Nursery pictures from the hospital and the newborn pictures that our friend Jen took...and she already looks different. She's trying to grab at things already and she knows what she wants and when she wants it. It's amazing how much she can change in just a couple of days, literally. She's getting to the point that sometimes she can go 4 hours without feeding, but for the most part it's still around 3 hours each time. She took her first bottle this week, such a big girl! She still doesn't really mind bath time and she loves to have lotion rubbed on her...we told her she had to love lotion like her mommies!

Amanda's family is coming this weekend, then my Mom is coming on Friday and then my sister is coming the week after that. Lots of love for little Regan!!!

Still completely in love with her,
Cheryl (& Amanda)

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