Tuesday, May 3, 2011

6 Weeks

Well, Regan is officially 6 weeks old and the time has gone by so incredibly fast. I have never had time fly like it has lately. Amanda started Q3 last Saturday, so we are all trying to get on a routine since I will be starting back on May 16th...sad face! :( I think I am ready to go back to work, but not ready to leave Regan with people that I am not familiar with at the daycare. I guess I should just be lucky that I have been able to take as much time as I have, it will be a total of 8 weeks. This time has helped me bond with Regan and watch her grow so much. :)

As I sit here and write this blog, Regan is sitting in her bouncer seat looking so peaceful as she sleeps. She is in love with her bouncer seat. Amanda's Mom gave it to us, it was her niece's and she didn't really like it. Regan loves it so much!!! We are so thankful to have it because it seriously does chill her out.

It's a little cooler today for some reason and Regan is bundled from head to toe because she was shivering. One thing I have to say about our child is that she is always freezing. Her little bottom lip quivers and she looks at you with her precious eyes that say "please please please get me a blanket." But on that same note, she does not like her arms to be covered up...she's a crazy one!

Regan is starting to sleep at night for anywhere between 3 to 5 hours. Most of the time it's in the 4 hour range, but we're super excited about the consecutive sleep. We are also super lucky that after I feed her in the middle of the night, typically I rock her for a few minutes and then put her back down and she goes right back to sleep. She is not really a morning baby. She likes to eat and then go back to sleep. It's fun to have her awake and so alert in the afternoon though. I'm totally waiting for the for-real smile! She has smiled, but not intentionally...she is trying so hard and I just know it will happen very very soon. :)

She still doesn't know what to think about Rebound and his kisses. She's okay for a minute, but if he keeps licking her...she just doesn't know what to think. It's cute. Rebound on the other hand is still not too sure about her.

Bath time is Amanda's favorite time and I have to say that Regan actually loves it too. She totally loves being in the water and doesn't mind at all. Last night for the first time we took the newborn foam insert out to where she was literally sitting in the water and she didn't cry. I think she will be kicking around in the water really soon!

These are just the little things in Regan's life that has happened over the past few weeks. Still in amazement that we have a beautiful little girl! We are just the happiest we could possibly be!!! We are so lucky! :)

Much love from Regan!

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