Sunday, May 22, 2011

2 Months

Regan Lynn is officially 2 months old. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the time would be passing by so quickly. Here are a few things that have been happening with Regan...She has grown into a personality and it's so much fun. She's still a chill baby and always good when we're on the go. One thing has not changed for Amanda & I...we still go go go, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but it's our life and we love it. :) Regan is typically cold, crazy child, she likes her blankets. She's still be swaddled at night, but we're hoping that changes soon. She sleeps for about 5 hours and then wants to eat, and then another 3 hours during the night, not too shabby. She likes to be bounced to "almost" asleep before being put in her crib. The transition to the crib in her room was so easy, a little too easy actually ;) She's a happy baby when her diaper is changed. She's beginning to smile and it melts our heart. Her eyes are staying blue, and we love that! Rebound gives her kisses and she's still not too sure, but she doesn't cry anymore. Her swing time is starting to become better, the girls at daycare says she loves it. She has started daycare and I think Mama got more upset than Regan, ha. They say she is a superstar :) She loves the Baby Bjorn, which is great for us. Our walks at night with Rebound are fun and she just chills. I keep trying to part her hair. Her hair is getting thicker. Bath time is still her favorite time and it's fun to watch her splash around. She loves to have lotion put on her, she is her Mommy's child ;) She is so much fun and we cannot wait to see what Month 3 has to offer us :)

Much love from Regan!

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