Tuesday, June 14, 2011

12 Weeks Today

Well, she's not 3 months in terms of the months, but she is officially 12 weeks old today. I cannot believe it!!! :) Regan is growing each and every day, that it's crazy. She's starting noticing her feet and the fact that she moves them, which is funny. She's drooling more...guessing the teething stage is coming faster than we realized. She loves to pull hair, necklaces, etc...except she doesn't grip toys all that well yet. She's a happy baby in the morning, she's a happy baby in the bathtub, she is a happy baby when you go outside...she's not a happy baby when you stop at red lights sometimes, she's not a happy baby when you take her out of the bath, and she's not a happy baby when we make her do tummy time. She's sweet and cuddles, but only when she wants to. She loves to look at Rebound and loves to be up on your shoulder to look around. Her personality is definitely shining through.

A little bit after her 2 month "birthday" we took her to the doctor and she weighed in at 9 lbs 3 ozs, but we know she's gotten much bigger since then. She's much longer and she's definitely in 0-3 month clothes. Amanda and I both had to work one weekend, so Lauren kept her and Jenn came over to play...they said she was good, so here's hoping to her being a good girl. I was off for Memorial Day, so me and Regan hung out all day long. :) My Mom flew in for a weekend so that she could spend so time with Regan because she just couldn't stand seeing pictures and how much she had changed. Amanda and I had Med-Peds Graduation to go to, so one of our church friends, Maryann Chrestman, kept Regan. We are so blessed to have so many people in our lives to watch little Regan and be excited to do so. Tristan came this weekend, Russell wasn't able to get off of work :( We did however have a good time just talking, playing with Regan and laughing. It's always good to get a good dose of North Carolina :) We have many trips planned for this summer as we travel around the Southeast it seems to visit family and let Regan meet her extended family.

The time is definitely flying by. Regan is getting so big already and it seems like we will be planning her 1st birthday before we know it!

Love from Regan

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