Sunday, December 26, 2010
Funny Christmas Stories
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Eve of Christmas Eve 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
So this is love...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Getting ready...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Ornament
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
We're pregnant!!!
To quote my dad from a conversation we had a couple of weeks ago now…”I always knew you were going to be a mom, I didn’t know when, but I just know you’re going to be great at it.” That has got to be the nicest compliment. I am so emotional these days and that definitely hit the spot. Amanda and I both hope that we can be wonderful mothers like we had growing up. Over this process we have talked about our childhoods and how great they were and the things that we want to bring into our kids lives. It’s just such an amazing honor to be able to be a Mom and neither Amanda nor I are going to take that for granted.
The process before was quite a long one. We had been talking about how we were going to expand our family for such a long time, that it kind of seemed surreal when we finally got down to doing all the medications and treatments. Talking about what was going to happen and it happening is two totally different things. Both of us had to endure different things at different times. Throughout the entire process we leaned on each other and realized what an amazing opportunity it is to be a parent. I cannot believe that it’s actually happening
We are 18 weeks and 4 days, we are getting so close to the half way point that it’s crazy! Gotta be honest and say it’s all finally starting to sink in. For a while, I would just randomly say…I’m pregnant, how crazy is that?! Now, I can feel Regan (if it truly is a girl…we will know more next week) move and it gives me the most amazing feeling. I cannot wait for Amanda to feel her moving around. Of course she likes to move at night, so that should be interesting if that trend continues when she’s born. I have been wearing maternity pants for a while. Amanda will tell you, that the first time I put them on it was the most amazing feeling because I could actually breathe!!! I was jumping up and down in the dressing room and she was laughing, quite amusing. At first I gained more weight than I wanted, but things have leveled out, that is until the past 2 weeks or so, my belly is starting to stick out even further. At least now I don’t look fat anymore, I’m actually looking more pregnant. I’m feeling not as tired as I used to feel, but overall I still feel tired. I have gotten the pregnancy “I forgot” brain, most definitely. I am missing my coffee in the mornings, wine at night, and my sushi dates. But at the end of these 9 months, it is most definitely going to be worth all of the sacrifices that I am making. Amanda is going to bring me sushi in the hospital and it’s going to be wonderful!!!
We have started registering and that is a process within itself as well. There are so many things to look at and so many things to decide on. I do have to tell a funny story. So, we registered for a lime green bottle brush. When we came home and we were looking at the registry, the bottle brush was pink, so Amanda changed it back. The day we look again and it had changed back to pink…and the same thing happened the next day. Needless to say, it changes every day and it frustrates Amanda to a point that all I can do is laugh about it; I finally went on and changed the type of bottle brush to multi colored so that she doesn’t even have to deal with it anymore. But she has been the greatest about researching and finding out what other people use in regards to bottles, pack-n-plays, diapers, carriers, etc. It has been fun looking at all the stuff, as well as overwhelming…I mean seriously how much could one little person need…according to the Babies R Us registry book – A LOT!!!
This is definitely the happiest time in our lives. We are so excited and cannot wait for our new addition to our family. I think Rebound is excited too, he just doesn’t know how to express it yet. Ha…I am excited for Rebound to meet our new addition; he’s going to be great! We are so happy that everyone has been so supportive throughout everything. Our family is very lucky to have people in our lives that are so wonderful!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Eat Pray Love

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Past Weekend...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Thinking about family the last few days...

Monday, May 31, 2010
The month of May is gone already... :(
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A Month Later...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Man, I'm not good at this blogging thing
Well, I haven't blogged in over a month and that seems to be the case every time I blog. So, I'm going to get goal, one per week. I think I can do that. This blog is going to have lots of pictures :)
St. Patrick's Day came and went and we almost missed it, it seems. Last year we went to the parade, but this year we were not in town. So on the actual day we made green beer, green mashed potatoes and meatloaf. All in all it was a great night.
So, last month was absolutely crazy. Amanda was on Night Float for the first half of the month...meaning I basically didn't see her very much for a few days at a time, because I would be at work during the day and then she would work at night. Can I just say...I do not want this to be our life, so thank goodness that is not normally the case. She went to Birmingham for a weekend for Aiden's birthday party and baseball game. She had a blast and realized that they are getting so big.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wii Fit

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy Reading!

So, it's Tuesday night and normally I am ready for my week to be over...but I have to say that this week is not like that. I'm in such a good mood, just ask my co-workers...they can't believe it. Ha, no really, I'm just in a good mood and nobody is going to bring me down. :)