Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Reading!

So, it's Tuesday night and normally I am ready for my week to be over...but I have to say that this week is not like that. I'm in such a good mood, just ask my co-workers...they can't believe it. Ha, no really, I'm just in a good mood and nobody is going to bring me down. :)

I finally finished the 5th Harry Potter Book and it was good, but now I need a break from all of that. I tend to really only read on my lunch break at work, so it of course takes me 10 years to finish a book. So, since I needed a new book, I went onto the bookshelf and saw "It's not about the bike: my journey back to life" by Lance Armstrong. I've gotta say he's a very inspirational person, so I thought...sure. Amanda said she had read it a long time ago and it was good. I started it today and I've only read the first chapter and I already feel like it's going to be really good. I've had a lot go on this year already and I have learned a lot, so I'm hoping that this book can teach me something about myself; about picking up and moving on and learning new things in the process.

Happy Reading!

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