Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wii Fit

So, I need to put this out there so that I can be held accountable. I have started a venture of trying to lose weight. A couple of years ago I lost a lot of weight and I have gained about 15 lbs back since then, give or take a little bit. I feel like I need to get back down to where I was a couple of years ago. Now, I'm not going to put my exact weight on here, but I will put how much I'm gaining/losing. We got a Wii Fit for Christmas and I have been using it over the past few weeks, it's pretty cool. You can get your BMI, Weight, Play games, etc on it. I love it. So, that's how I will keep up. So, let's start with last week...I had lost 1.3 lbs. Today, I had gained 1.87 lbs back. Boo. So...moving onto tomorrow. My goal is actually set in the Wii for 12 we shall see. I'm excited! I'm ready!

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