Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, today I have been home by myself and I have been sad. You know sometimes you are just sad and you don't know why or what it's about?! I have been very emotional today...crying at times and having Rebound look at me like I am crazy, but of course he would always just come and lay by me, it's his way of telling me that he loves me. Anyways, I think I finally realized why I'm sad. My parents were suppose to come this weekend and they weren't able to come. I haven't seen my family since July and I won't get to see any of them until the end of November. I know that doesn't sound like a long time, but for me it is. I miss them terribly. I have built a family life here with Amanda and Rebound and I wouldn't change that for the world, but I am missing them a lot today. I am trying to get into this teaching program...I'm applying right now, so keep me in your thoughts...and hopefully it will all work out. We saw an old friend of mine last night, interesting...sometimes it's good to see people from your past if reminds you of where you have been and how far you've come. I was thinking back on those days last night after we got home and I have completely changed since then...changed for the better...more mature...and heading in the right direction now. About the eggs, I was cooking dinner for myself toinght, Amanda is on call, and I wanted breakfast. So I fried some bacon up and then had fried eggs...and I got an egg with 2 yolks. That's gotta be good luck, I just know it.
Thanks for listening. :) Hope all is well.

Friday, October 3, 2008


ROLL TIDE!!!! So, I have been thinking about Alabama football all week and thinking that I should blog about it, but I have just now gotten around to it. So they are ranked #2 and I just can't believe it, nor can I believe that I am this obsessed with football, it's crazy! (Heather, you made me this way...and then I just continued on with it!) I love it, I love everything about it...I love the sounds, I love the whistles, I love yelling at the TV, I love the food that you get to eat while you watch the game, I love the beer that you get to drink too :), I absolutely love this time of year!!! The weather is cooler and there is nothing else to do but football, it's amazing, even more amazing when your team is doing great! We need to watch out this weekend for Kentucky, and hopefully our heads won't get too big since we stomped Georgia last week! We shall just wait and see...only time will tell.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I am loving Ellen these days...

Amanda and I watched this the other day and I have been meaning to blog about it because it literally made me want to cry, because I want this so much in my life. This clip with Ellen & Portia is one of the sweetest videos I have ever seen. I cannot wait till one day when Amanda and I can have this type of day to share with our loved ones and let everyone know that this is it...that she is my forever. The song that is being played has the most beautiful words and I couldn't have said it better myself. Part of the song says "You looked right through me When there was no one else I sat beside you and became myself Today... today You are the one I've been waiting for today." (Joshua Radin, "Today") Just thinking about this brings a tear to my eyes, I never thought it was possible to love someone so much. I have finally found what I have been missing for all these years, it's an amazing feeling.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Still in Mobile...

We thought we were leaving tomorrow morning but that is not the case. We have officially heard that Orleans Parrish is not allowing people to back into Parrish until at the earliest Thursday. So we are just waiting to see about Regions and Amanda's hospital as to what to do. We still have no word on if our house has power or not or if there is any damage. We still feel a little stressed about the whole situation but are hoping for the best.

Hope all is well

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In Mobile for the hurricane...

We are in mobile and staying put. We left New Orleans yesterday after Amanda got off work and it took us over 5 hours to get to Mobile when it typically takes about 2 hours. We are a tad bit nervous about to be expected. We are hoping for the best and just waiting things out here.

Hope all is well where you guys are!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I'm sitting here thinking about the storm that is brewing and they are saying heading straight towards New Orleans...and all I can think about is our house...our precious new house. Sighhh...well, can't really worry about it to much or you'll go crazy. I wasn't as worried this morning until my mom started freaking out on me and then everybody at the bank today was talking and asking where I was going to evacuate and such...ugh, I don't know, haven't really thought about it. Amanda and I talked tonight and came up with a game plan as to what would happen...but still it is making my nerves crazy. Guess we will just have to keep our eye on it. And on top of that my sister, brother-in-law, and niece are suppose to be coming on Friday to spend Labor Day weekend with us, but who knows if they are going to be able to come now. So the wait is the hardest because we won't really know anything until at least Saturday to see where the storm might go. It's all a guessing game at this point. But Amanda and I have made our trip to Walmart and have gathered up our water and supplies and so we think we might be set for at least a couple of days...hmmm...well, have to wait and see on that one!

Hope all is well!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have been watching the olympics as much as I can. Amanda would say that I am crazy about it because I put it on dvr and then I watch it all night when I get home from work. I just say that it only comes around once every 4 years, which makes it that much more exciting. I have just been amazed at the swimming and the gymnastics. I don't understand how you can make your body go that fast or that far in the air.

We went to the saints game the other night and it was so much fun! I had to postpone my olympic watching until Sunday...but I was okay with that. Myo and Preston were a couple of sections away, so when the people next to them cleared out, we made our way over there and got to hang out with them the rest of the game. They lost, but hopefully that is just pre-season jitters. We officially have the season opener for the Saints...we won them on ebay...and we're excited. Now we just have to hope that Amanda is off work that Sunday! Cross your fingers for us!

Hope all is well.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


So today I guess is a day of reflection since the house is empty except me and Rebound. Going to church this morning by myself was quite nice. I do love my "normal" Sunday routines with Amanda but I got to reflect on things of this week and the things in the coming week and I began to cry. I was thinking about all the things that Amanda and I have gone thru and the things that are in the future to come and behold the sermon was on worrying about today, tomorrow, and the past. Part of the scripture stated from Matthew 6:34 said "So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." With everything that is going on in our life...I thought it was the most appropriate subject and it literally brought me to tears because I had a feeling that God brought out that sermon just for me. I wished Amanda could have heard it because I feel like she would have taken so much away as well. I come to realize that there is a God and he is almighty and in the end he only wants to take care of us.

On another topic at hand that goes along with the sermon from today...Amanda's new niece that was born on Friday, Harper, got put in the NICU last night. It's an overwhelming feeling for Amanda I think because she hasn't even been able to be there. She says that things are probably fine but you still never know. We'll be keeping her in our prayers and in our hearts.

Hope all is well!

Friday, July 18, 2008


So, I am cooking a real meal for the first time in a really long time...and it feels wonderful. Amanda wasn't getting home until late today because she started working the day shift in the ER and I got off early and after running some of my errands I know I should cook us a good dinner and I thought about The Aussie Chicken recipe. It's so good!!!! It's a honey mustard based chicken with bacon and mushrooms and cheese...just yummy! So here I am in my new house, in my new a meal and I'm loving life right now. Kind of funny...wouldn't think that would make me happy. I used to cook all the time but it never made me happy, but these days it's just a wonderful feeling! Hope all is well. :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


You know today was just a bit frustrating. You know when you get to work or whatever and something happens right when you get there...and it just puts you in a sour mood for the rest of the day and you tend to take things to the extreme because you have no clue how to handle things anymore. That is exactly how I felt today. I felt like I had been run over by a truck and nobody cared. My job is quite the interesting one...I hate to be honest. I mean it's a job and I can go to work day in and day out, but I don't like it. I go to work because I have to...never want to but I do it. And I'm not saying that when I get there that I don't do good work, because that is completely not the case...I take care of my customers and I try to do right by them even when the bank doesn't. Anyhow...things just seemed to build and build as the day went on and by the end of the day I didn't know how to deal with anything except to sit. So then I start getting yelled at because I wasn't doing was just one of those days. A day that I will gladly leave behind me and hope that tomorrow brings a better day. I am need of a life it seems...I have consumed myself with myself...and that isn't helping.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Home!

Well, here we go...a picture of our house!!! It's our family portrait and the beginning of our new life. Our life has begun. We've been here for a little over 2 months and it has been the fastest couple of months ever. We have finally gotten our furniture and all of our stuff into the house. It was quite the task to say the least. We are just to the point where we need to just take a rest and enjoy the little bit of time that we do have together. Amanda started residency and she is working 12 hour shifts at a time, sometimes we see each other for about an hour and half or so. I do have to say that it is quite an adjustment, but we're making it work :) With that said...our little neighborhood is just wonderful! We really did luck out in our location here in New Orleans. Our neighbor is the greatest, she even puts the trashcan back after trash wonderful...Lisa is like our mom away from home! We're close to city park, we're close enough to downtown, we're close to the burbs, we're close to the lake ---- we are just the right distance from everything! I don't know how we got so lucky, but it's been a blessing! If anyone is interested in coming and enjoying the city with us let us know...we would love to have everyone!!! Or at least you hang out with me when Amanda is at work :)


Well, it's my new blog...I decided since everyone else is making a blog...then I should too!!! Maybe I'll write about my New Orleans adventures or maybe just my boring life! :)