Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, today I have been home by myself and I have been sad. You know sometimes you are just sad and you don't know why or what it's about?! I have been very emotional today...crying at times and having Rebound look at me like I am crazy, but of course he would always just come and lay by me, it's his way of telling me that he loves me. Anyways, I think I finally realized why I'm sad. My parents were suppose to come this weekend and they weren't able to come. I haven't seen my family since July and I won't get to see any of them until the end of November. I know that doesn't sound like a long time, but for me it is. I miss them terribly. I have built a family life here with Amanda and Rebound and I wouldn't change that for the world, but I am missing them a lot today. I am trying to get into this teaching program...I'm applying right now, so keep me in your thoughts...and hopefully it will all work out. We saw an old friend of mine last night, interesting...sometimes it's good to see people from your past if reminds you of where you have been and how far you've come. I was thinking back on those days last night after we got home and I have completely changed since then...changed for the better...more mature...and heading in the right direction now. About the eggs, I was cooking dinner for myself toinght, Amanda is on call, and I wanted breakfast. So I fried some bacon up and then had fried eggs...and I got an egg with 2 yolks. That's gotta be good luck, I just know it.
Thanks for listening. :) Hope all is well.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Lady, you need to update your blog! How was Mardi Gras? Wish I could have come! I have never been..:( Hope all is well!!