Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Home!

Well, here we go...a picture of our house!!! It's our family portrait and the beginning of our new life. Our life has begun. We've been here for a little over 2 months and it has been the fastest couple of months ever. We have finally gotten our furniture and all of our stuff into the house. It was quite the task to say the least. We are just to the point where we need to just take a rest and enjoy the little bit of time that we do have together. Amanda started residency and she is working 12 hour shifts at a time, sometimes we see each other for about an hour and half or so. I do have to say that it is quite an adjustment, but we're making it work :) With that said...our little neighborhood is just wonderful! We really did luck out in our location here in New Orleans. Our neighbor is the greatest, she even puts the trashcan back after trash wonderful...Lisa is like our mom away from home! We're close to city park, we're close enough to downtown, we're close to the burbs, we're close to the lake ---- we are just the right distance from everything! I don't know how we got so lucky, but it's been a blessing! If anyone is interested in coming and enjoying the city with us let us know...we would love to have everyone!!! Or at least you hang out with me when Amanda is at work :)

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