Tuesday, July 15, 2008


You know today was just a bit frustrating. You know when you get to work or whatever and something happens right when you get there...and it just puts you in a sour mood for the rest of the day and you tend to take things to the extreme because you have no clue how to handle things anymore. That is exactly how I felt today. I felt like I had been run over by a truck and nobody cared. My job is quite the interesting one...I hate to be honest. I mean it's a job and I can go to work day in and day out, but I don't like it. I go to work because I have to...never want to but I do it. And I'm not saying that when I get there that I don't do good work, because that is completely not the case...I take care of my customers and I try to do right by them even when the bank doesn't. Anyhow...things just seemed to build and build as the day went on and by the end of the day I didn't know how to deal with anything except to sit. So then I start getting yelled at because I wasn't doing anything...it was just one of those days. A day that I will gladly leave behind me and hope that tomorrow brings a better day. I am need of a life it seems...I have consumed myself with myself...and that isn't helping.

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