Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our neighborhood!

Last night we were going to take a walk with Rebound when we got home because the temperature outside was so "fall-like," meaning around 75 degrees...ha. We were first greeted with Rebound's friend Dax right outside our door. They were running around forever while we stood there and talked with our neighbors, Chad & Paula. We then decided to continue on our first idea, the walk. He was so excited! Rebound doesn't like the hot weather, so now that it's getting a little cooler, it much more comfortable for him. Along the way we talked with some more of our neighbors on a different street. Amanda played with one of her little boys and Rebound and Lezel (another doggie friend) played in mud puddles and seemed to have a wonderful time. So, around the corner we go and we meet our other neighbors who have 2 kids and a dog. Abbie, their little girl, absolutely adores Rebound. I have started a new tradition with her...we always come inside and get a cookie for Rebound. She continues to run around and get him to chase her before she gives him the cookie. It's really cute. They also have a dog named Barks, and his name matches exactly, because all he does is bark -- the kids named him :) More of our neighbors came out and we talked for a long time. Rebound got a bath and by the time we got turned out to be about an hour and half walk. It was such a great time talking with our neighbors. As we drove to go get dinner last night with our windows down...we just thought about how great our neighbors were and happy we were with our home here in New Orleans. Last night was one of those nights that didn't have anything big planned and nothing really happened, but it was one of the greatest nights here in this wonderful place!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


We have entered Rebound into the Cutest Dog Competition!!! You can only vote 1 time per day, but it lasts until Oct 3rd!!! So go vote :)


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today has been such a great day, besides Amanda not feeling good. We have done nothing but sit on the couch. Okay, I have cleaned a little bit around the house, but other than that we have been planted on the couch watching The Sound of Music and football.

Amanda had never seen The Sound of Music and I just could not believe it. I was born in Germany, so when I turned 18 my parents wanted to take me back and show me where I was born. It was a neat trip besides all the driving we did. But when we were in Austria we went on The Sound of Music awesome!!! Of course it was the coldest day when we were there, but a great experience. My sister will tell you, all we did the entire time was sing the wonderful songs. A wonderful trip!!!

So, we joined a fantasy football league for the first time this year and can I just say one thing...I absolutely love football, but we are horrible. We lost he first 2 weeks and we're probably going to lose this week too. Ugh...hopefully next week will be better!

That's been our Sunday...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

People you care about

Sometimes life gets away from you and then someone comes to visit or even just to stop by and you realize what life is really all about. It's about the people you surround yourself with and call family. It's about making connections with people that can last a lifetime. I have some of the greatest people in the world that are people I consider my "family" and then my real family is the greatest and I wouldn't trade any of them for anything.

As you get older you realize how valuable these people can mean to you. You realize how you are not going to have a thousand best friends and you are not going to have millions of close relationships. But I have learned that the ones you are going to keep close to your heart forever are the best people in the world.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Waking up early in the morning...

This week is our employee appreciation and I decided that I would make muffins for everyone at work. Well, I was telling Amanda what kind of muffins I was making...Blueberry and Banana Nut...okay, I hate Banana Nut and she was really excited about those because I do not ever make those. So, I decided I would get up and surprise her so that she could take a few to work with her this morning. She was totally surprised! :) Sometimes it's the little things in life.

So now she's running late because we're in the kitchen singing songs on the itunes. I love days that begin like this :)

Onto this week...I have another interview on Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Yep that's about it for this week for us.

I am counting down the days until my family comes next month...I'm so excited! 17 more days :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My first time...

Cheryl gives me a hard time for never using "our blog," so I figured I would give it a whirl. I don't really have a lot to say other than I love days like today. There was nothing super special about today...I got up early, went into work for almost eight hours (man, it didn't seem like that long), and swung by a work cook-out on my way home. However, the really good part came when I got home. Cheryl and I did was so nice. We just laid on the couch watching football, and I fell asleep. When I woke up, we grilled hotdogs and sausages and made home-style fries. The weather was nice while I was grilling, the neighbors were out, Rebound played with the other neighborhood was just a great evening. I love traveling and going to do all kinds of fun things, but sometimes there is nothing like a quiet evening at home.

Didn't know my own strength...

Mom this is for you...this is totally true.

Whitney Houston on Oprah

Made me cry.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alabama Game...Best Weekend Ever!

My first Alabama Game!!! It was the best weekend ever! :) I was like a kid in a candy store!

We tailgated with Amanda's family to begin with and it was awesome to see all the people with their tv's and grills. It was awesome!

Amanda with her parents when the band was walking down the street. I heart marching bands!

Amanda and of the cutest pictures of the two of them ever!

Us and Big awesome is that?! :)

At the game on the 5th row...I had the greatest time ever!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Apple Bottom Jeans...

This video made me laugh out loud! Enjoy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Insurance Test...

Today is my day...I passed my insurance test and I am so so so excited!!! It is like ton of bricks have been lifted off my shoulders :)


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Name

New Name -- for our much improved blog...hopefully! ;) Maybe even Amanda will post something.

NC State football tomorrow, we are excited! My test on Friday. Alabama football on Saturday. Penny & Michael's wedding on Sunday. And who could forget Labor day, which means I don't have to go to work. Awesome! (Poor Amanda, she does!)

Hope all is well!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Early in the morning...

I'm awake...Amanda is awake and actually already at work. My test is on Friday and I'm still struggling with knowing the material. I'm not sure if it's a mental block of I just don't care?! Amanda says that I need to stay here is to positivity! I'm going to have a great day today...I'm going to get studying done...I'm going to get a massage tonight (that Amanda scheduled for me :) ) and it's going to be a better day all the way around! :)

Here's to starting this week...and a 3 day weekend :)