Sunday, July 27, 2008


So today I guess is a day of reflection since the house is empty except me and Rebound. Going to church this morning by myself was quite nice. I do love my "normal" Sunday routines with Amanda but I got to reflect on things of this week and the things in the coming week and I began to cry. I was thinking about all the things that Amanda and I have gone thru and the things that are in the future to come and behold the sermon was on worrying about today, tomorrow, and the past. Part of the scripture stated from Matthew 6:34 said "So do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today." With everything that is going on in our life...I thought it was the most appropriate subject and it literally brought me to tears because I had a feeling that God brought out that sermon just for me. I wished Amanda could have heard it because I feel like she would have taken so much away as well. I come to realize that there is a God and he is almighty and in the end he only wants to take care of us.

On another topic at hand that goes along with the sermon from today...Amanda's new niece that was born on Friday, Harper, got put in the NICU last night. It's an overwhelming feeling for Amanda I think because she hasn't even been able to be there. She says that things are probably fine but you still never know. We'll be keeping her in our prayers and in our hearts.

Hope all is well!


Anonymous said...

I am unable to read ur blog...words are tooo small.


I have a blog on here too, but I can remember my password!

Anonymous said...

I hope things go better for you. Everyone has struggles and worries in life, so don't be discouraged. I think thats what life inevitably is. It's a continuous cycle of worries and responsibilites that stress us out completely. Thats why we have companions, to keep us from losing our mind. That and liquor..lots of liquor!

Its good to see that you are going to church. They always seem to tell you exactly what you need to hear. Just like the oracle in the Matrix. :D So, I would never condem you for going to church, unlike the God who condems you for being who you are. First Corinthians 6:9-10 lists sins that, if indulged in continuously, identify a person as not being redeemed. Therefore, I would be careful. Just always keep in mind that those people that sit there and preach to you, are the same people that wish you would burn in hell forever(that is unless you're attending a metropolitan community church) :)

Well, I had alot of time on my hands as you can see. Hell I should just open up my own blog hah! I miss you and love you.

-I think you know who-
T to the Bone! :D