Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Regan Lynn

Wow, what a week have just had! Regan Lynn England was born on March 22, 2011 at 6:08 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 ozs, and she was 19 inches long. As I type this I am looking at our beautiful little girl with tears in my eyes.

Our delivery was definitely not that bad. I had to be induced because my blood pressures were creeping up. A couple of hours after they broke my water, I was fully dilated and Regan was ready to make her debut. Pushed for 20 minutes and that was about it until the doctor came in...then a couple more pushes and she was out. Amanda was able to pull her out and put her on my chest and we instantly were in love.

What an amazing experience being a mother is...I know I have many many more years ahead, but it's already the most rewarding and most special thing that I have ever done in my life. I look at her and I am just filled with so many emotions. Watching Amanda with her melts my heart every time. I have got to the be the luckiest girl in the world...I have the most amazing little family.

We cannot wait to see what the next days, weeks, and years have in store for us. We are so ready to go on this journey with Regan :)


Katy B said...

Awww! *sniffle* That's beautiful sweetie. I'm so happy for ya'll! Being mommies is the best.

Bee said...

How wonderful! I'm just so exciting for you!

Anonymous said...
