Friday, July 24, 2009

Georgia on my mind...

Georgia is on my mind...because I'm here!  Yay!!!  Today was a long day for Emily.  We went to Chuck-E-Cheese and it was really fun.  She was so funny just running around.  We danced, and played games, and got a total of 200 tickets which equaled to 1 airhead, 1 blow up hammer, 1 tootsie pop, and stickers.  Fun.  We had to clean mom's house because GG's 80th birthday party is happening tomorrow.  I think mom is excited about having it, but I also think she will be happy when it's over.  Dinner with Dad tonight was interesting...a little hard at times, but at least he's trying.  Sometimes you can feel tension between everyone when he is around, but I have to give a little respect where it's due...he does try; he might not always try the right thing or do say the right thing, but at least he's trying.  Em was so tired tonight that she was acting now we're home it's not even 9 o'clock and I am exhausted!  I love being home (but wishing Amanda was with me!)  Tomorrow is going to be great!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 Week Goal = Melting Pot

So, I am on a new venture of trying to get more healthy, trying to lose weight, and trying to feel better about myself.  I have recently purchased a pedometer so that I can count my steps as I walk all day long.  So far so good, yesterday was my first day over 5000 steps.  They recommend you do at least 10,000 steps a day.  I thought sure...I can do that.  I worked all day long yesterday and I went and walked almost 2 miles at the gym (30 minutes on the treadmill) and I only had 8800 steps.  So needless to say it's going to be a battle to get those steps in every day.  I have also created a workout plan, thanks to which includes walking/running/biking and weightlifting as well as stretching on a daily basis.  I have a 6 week goal and hopefully along the way a little bit of weight and trimming up will take effect.  I'm excited about my new adventure.  Amanda told me if I can stick to the plan for at least 90% then we can go to the melting pot.  I mean...that sounds like a winner to me.  I definitely need a motivation and that just helps things right along.  It's going to be a tough battle but I am in it...because I want to feel great!!!  So wish me luck and hopefully I will be posting how I'm doing in the future! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I got a pedometer!

I have decided that I am going to try to walk 10,000 steps a day.  They say that is how many you should typically walk in a day.  So, today is my first day and hopefully I do more than that!  I need to get back on my normal exercise routine because when I am exercising it makes me feel good.  Last night I went and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill.  My heart was pumping, I was sweating, and it made me feel good about myself.  So, hopefully I can kick my butt in gear and get myself moving so that I can begin to feel even better about myself.  I thought I would get a pedometer so that I could have some type of goal.  Every couple of days you are suppose to upload your steps into this online site and it helps keep track of things for you.  Wish me luck...and everyone else get out there and take your 10,000 steps a day too!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Twizzlers and a Coke

I have been obsessed with twizzlers this week.  I have only wanted that and a coke.  Amanda bought them for me tonight and they are totally awesome.  She doesn't like them but that just means the more for me.  Of course Rebound found out that he liked them :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Love

So we have been watching (via Netflix) the HBO Series Big Love.  It is an extremely intriguing show because it puts you into the lives of 4 individuals that run 3 different households, but one as well all at the same time.  You know you sit back and you think how could someone be a polygamist and live a semi-normal life?  This show shows you that behind walls every family has problems and things they need to solve.  All the twists and turns of living in Salt Lake and running a big's just such a great show.  If you haven't watched it, I truly recommend it, but don't cut it off after the first couple of episodes.  It definitely takes a couple of episodes to get gets better so give it a chance :) 

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while and I keep saying that I'm going to get better at it.  Today I have been sitting here for 2 hours doing nothing when I have so many things that I could be doing, but all I can think about is missing my family.  Maybe that's because I am in the process of making a dvd for my GG for her 80th birthday that is coming up in 2 weeks.  My mom has been sending some pictures of her and our family.  Here are some pictures.  

Her daddy walking her down the aisle on her wedding day! :)

My Grandfather and GG...I never met him, but I have heard my whole life that he was an extraordinary man, father, and grandfather.  My mom has told me stories that he loved being a granddaddy!

And this picture is my GG when she graduated high school, isn't she beautiful!

My GG is one of the neatest people I have ever met.  Amanda and I have learned so much more about her in the past several years.  Amanda learned that she was on the swim team...and even my mom didn't know that.  Funny, how older people "forget" to tell you things.  She is intelligent, she is witty, she can be mean, and she is loving.  She is someone that I have looked up to in my life and didn't even realize it until I got older.  I have watched her with her great grandchild and wish I could "really" remember how she was with Leslie and I when we were little.  She used to scream at us in the department stores because we would be hiding in the clothes racks, she would take us to McDonald's on Wednesday's because it was Senior Citizens Day and she could have her fried fish sandwich, she was always there for us whether that be Christmas morning or a dance recital.  I have grown to learn and appreciate everything that she has done for me over the years.  I'm sitting here crying thinking about all the wonderful times we have had together and I cannot wait to go home and hug her neck and tell her how much I love her on her birthday...I cannot wait.  

My GG and me!