Friday, February 25, 2011

Being so emotional...

As the days begin to wind down of it being just the two of us, I'm becoming more and more emotional each and every day. There are so many emotions that go through you that it's crazy. You're happy one minute and laughing and then crying the next minute because you're so happy, I'm just all over the place all the time. As the days go on I rub my tummy and I realize that my little girl is in there. Regan is kicking around and I cannot wait until she comes out and we can love on her, rock her, sing to her, and just love on her all the time.

Becoming a Mom is one of the things that I'm going to cherish the most! Alright, I have to stop crying now :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

34 Weeks...

Wow is a good way to start this blog. Wow, my belly is getting bigger. Wow, we will be mommies really soon. Wow, we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. Wow, Regan kicks harder and harder each day. Wow, Amanda is going to be an amazing mommy. Wow...Wow...Wow, our life is about to be turned upside down in the most amazing way! :)

34 weeks today -- meaning she weighs almost 5 lbs and is about 18 inches long. No wonder she's been pushing harder and it's hurting more now. I have been an emotional roller coaster here lately. Tears and laughter have been involved, but Amanda has been amazing and so patient with me.

We have been getting things ready for Regan's room and I couldn't be more excited! To see things coming together is just amazing! We put the dresser together yesterday and we couldn't be happier. The crib is later this week. I also cannot wait to get her little clothes in the washer and dryer and hung in the closet. Seeing all her shoes just makes me say "awww" too many times. I painted the letters of her name tonight to be able to hang on the wall, that is in case we forget her name...we will have a cheat sheet ;)

Just found out that the name Regan means "Royal" ... so we shall see how that goes. Ha, cannot wait to meet our baby girl!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Letter from Mama...

Dear Baby Regan, I wanted to write a note to you while you are still in mama’s tummy. We’re 33 weeks and 2 days along, what an adventure we have been on. From the very beginning of talking about us wanting to become parents to now, everything has been new and somewhat challenging but we couldn’t be more excited for you to get here. I have loved being pregnant. I can not imagine a more important role I am going to take in my life. Your Mommy and I could not be more excited that we are having you, our little baby girl Regan Lynn. We talk to you on a daily basis and tell you how excited we are to meet you. Your room is not ready but our hearts are. Your clothes are all over the place but your big brother Rebound is totally confused about all the “new” stuff in your room. We truly believe that we are going to be the best parents to you that we can possibly be. The beginning was a little rough with having sickness almost every night and now here at the end is getting kind of rough because I am having heartburn every night, but it doesn’t take anything away from me being so happy to have you with me all the time. Having you in my tummy has been the most amazing experience. There have been ups and downs, but we’ve gone through everything together and you have done so great. Every appointment I get nervous because I just don’t know what to expect and I don’t think that is going to change until you get here. I can feel you move on a daily basis, all day actually. You kick and push things that I didn’t even know I had. We go to Yoga together once a week for both of us to stretch things and to get ready for your pending arrival. You’re in love with caffeine and probably mad at me now because I am not supposed to be drinking any. Cookies are your favorite, at least I think they are because you kick me more at night when I eat some! We cannot wait to meet you. We have more love for you than you could possibly imagine; we have more love for you than we could have ever imagined. Your mommies love you and we cannot wait to meet you.

Kisses forever,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

32 weeks...

Well, it's been a month since I have blogged and boy was it a fast month! We cannot believe that we're less than 8 weeks away from meeting our little girl. Time is flying by way too fast. Everyone told us that 9 months wouldn't be long enough...I didn't believe them at first, but it is so true. Everyone is also telling us that you will not be completely ready for her to get here...and I'm beginning to believe that as well.

So what's happening now...I'm feeling her move all the time; I'm having a hard time sleeping at night because I have heartburn so bad; I'm also having to sleep sitting up; I cannot eat that much because there is not a lot of room in my belly; she pushes on my ribs all the time; I am beginning to feel a lot of pressure; my hips hurt all the time; I definitely waddle around when I walk; Rebound is not happy with me right now, kind of weird; my feet swell only sometimes, but if it happens Amanda rubs them, so that's a plus; I'm tired all the time...and there are of course plenty more things that are happening.

I have not gained 20 pounds as of yet, but I am expecting that today at the doctor I will have hit that mark. Everyone says I have the pregnancy glow, but I'm not sure I see it. I am glad that I've mostly gained the pregnancy weight in my belly.

I registered Regan for daycare today and it was such a surreal experience writing her name on things. I mean I have written her name, but not on anything official, such a neat feeling. We are emotionally ready to hold our baby girl in our arms. Cannot believe that we will be Moms so soon :)