Sunday, December 26, 2010

Funny Christmas Stories

This year we stayed home for Christmas and we're going to visit family over New Year's. We decided that we were going to see if we had any friends that were going to be in town on Christmas Day see if they wanted to have a dinner. It was awesome!!! Amanda cooked another moist turkey, my dressing wasn't too dry, we had cranberry sauce, broccoli, mac & cheese, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, squash casserole, desserts...and I'm sure I'm missing something. It was a wonderful time with friends and I'm so glad that we did that!

Now onto my funny stories...Well, I'm not saying that I'm a chef or anything, but I do love to cook and for the most part things taste pretty good. I absolutely love Amanda's Mema's Sweet Potato Casserole recipe. It's so simple, but yet so yummy. Now, with that being said...I'm in love with marshmallows too. I decided to put a lot on top because they are so yummy. I placed it on the 2nd rack in the oven because the turkey and the dressing was still cooking. Next thing I know they are beginning to expand. Ha, I totally forgot that they expand when they get hot. So, I placed a piece of foil in the bottom of the oven just in case it were to spill over. Well, a minute or two later we realized that the marshmallows were touching the top rack, so we had to take them out and let them fall down a bit. In the meantime, I decided to put my Mom's Simple Apple Pie in the back of the 2nd rack to begin baking and to put the Sweet Potato Casserole in the toaster oven instead. Our friend Rachel showed up and all of the sudden I noticed in the oven that there was fire on the aluminum foil...and the only words I could get out to Amanda were "Party Foul, Party Foul" and they both were like what...and then I was like "Fire in the oven" so we proceeded to get the door open and try to blow out the fire and hope that the fire alarm didn't go off. Rachel opened the door and we were just laughing so hard. Little while later a few more people had shown up...and I noticed that the toaster oven was smoking. I walked over there and the marshmallows were totally burnt on the top of the Sweet Potato Casserole. I mean, all we could do was laugh at this point, but I do have to say that it still tasted very yummy!!!

Overall our Christmas was wonderful. Starting the day off with Regan kicking me like crazy, opening our presents, eating sausage balls, watching Emily on Video Chat see what Santa brought her, taking a nap, cooking a little bit, Amanda getting home and taking another nap, finishing the cooking, having friends over and just enjoying the day. It was a wonderful day. Now, I cannot wait for Wednesday to get here so I can be in Atlanta enjoying my family, celebrating my sister's birthday, and trying to make it to midnight to bring in the New Year!

Cannot wait to see what 2011 will bring...we have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be wonderful! ;)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eve of Christmas Eve 2010

I'm sitting here on the Eve of Christmas Eve 2010 and all I can think about is what next Christmas will be like with our little girl! :) I know she will only be like 8 months old, but still I cannot wait to do many things with her next year. So, here is the start to my list for Regan during the Christmas 2011 season...

1. Looking at Christmas lights with her and seeing the twinkle in her eyes.
2. Santa pictures :)
3. Putting a Christmas bow on her cute little head from a package and laughing
4. Rebound and Regan's picture in front of our tree
5. Regan's first Christmas ornament
6. Cute Christmas pj's
7. Our first family Christmas card
8. Silly Christmas songs

Thinking about these things make me so happy :) But I am going to enjoy our last Christmas together! :)

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 12, 2010

So this is love...

Who knew that you could love someone so much when you haven't even met her yet. It's crazy! I am so in love with all of her movement in my belly. I even love it when she moves at night, ha. Amanda is in love too! Regan Lynn we love you more than you know and we cannot wait to be your mommies :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Getting ready...

We're getting ready for Christmas around our house. The weather outside doesn't exactly feel like December, but this week it's suppose to be a little cooler, so that's good. We have plenty of things to keep us busy this month. We do have our tree up and some presents wrapped, but to be honest more of our focus is on Regan and getting ready for when she gets here in April. Who would think that it would literally take 9 months to get ready for a baby. But needless to say, we have plenty of things to get done. My mom and Barry came this weekend and helped Amanda paint her looks so great!!! It makes me even more excited to get her furniture and bedding and see how it all comes together. The best Christmas present I can get this year is a good checkup on the 21st.

Here's to the Christmas season and truly celebrating what it means along with spending time with family and friends and not sweating the small things in life!

Have a wonderful Holiday season...and don't forget to eat a few candy canes along the way! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Ornament

Every year we go pick out a Christmas ornament that represents the year. This year of course we chose an ornament that was centered around the fact that we are pregnant and going to have a baby girl. Amanda found this stork ornament and we knew that it was the one for this year. We love it! This year has been consumed with everything Regan and we couldn't be more excited for her to come in April of next year :)