Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Past Weekend...

It was a great weekend being able to spend time with people that I do not normally see. Amanda and I started talking one night about how last year we only made it to see my Dad's side of the family at Christmas time both years and we said that was just unacceptable...so off we went to Columbus, Ga.

We knew it was going to take a little bit of time to get there so we stopped in Mobile on Friday night to try and cut the trip up instead of driving straight to our hotel. And because we are so lucky, my best friend in Mobile had her baby. Dillon was born on Thursday around 12:30. He is the most precious thing ever! It definitely was eye-opening to see him and hear him crying...I cried for him. Yes, I am definitely emotional...but I just had to, it was just so sad to hear him being so sad. Haha, so I was crying and I think I probably made Danielle cry...I'm so silly. It was wonderful getting to hang out with Danielle, Kenn, and Dillon...they are going to be the greatest parents.

Saturday we drove to Columbus and met my sister and Emily at our hotel and off we went. It was nice to sit and talk with Maw. She's always at her table in the kitchen, she has always been the person in the family that will tell you like it is. It is so nice to be able to just sit and talk. She's an extraordinary lady. When you listen to older people you can learn many many things. I have learned since I have gotten older that she has a lot of stories to tell and a lot of opinions :) but I will listen to them all. It was just a nice visit and Paw was just so cute with Emily!

Back to the hotel we went and Mom was there, so we spent the rest of the night playing in the pool with Emily. I cannot believe how big she has gotten. I guess seeing Dillon on Friday night brought back memories of when Emily was a baby and how quickly the time has gone by. She's a little girl now and she's about to start Pre-K and that just blows my mind. She means the world to me and it just melts my hear that she loves Amanda so much...sometimes more than me :)

All in all, this weekend was wonderful. Yes, we were tired. Yes, it was a lot of driving in just a few short days. But the memories we made, nobody can ever take those away!

Hope all is well!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So today, I'm actually quite happy about work because I got to leave around 11:30, but in general things are just crazy. I try to understand why the banking world does things they way they do. Now, don't get me wrong...I do like my job and I have grown to love it. Over the past 2 years here in Louisiana, I have grown into knowing how to do my job quite well if I do say so myself. But sometimes I feel like they expect the things that we cannot produce and then we get somewhat graded on that and it just doesn't seem fair. I guess most people would think that at some point with their job. I know they have goals for a reason, but then they have stretch goals that they wish we could meet. Um...hello, the goals are hard enough to reach and seriously the stretch goals are just a "laugh out loud" moment. So, that's my little rant for the day.

On a brighter note...my sister has a new job and she is absolutely loving it :) Yay!

Hope everyone is doing great!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thinking about family the last few days...

This morning I was driving to work and I passed a Taco Bell...now, with that said I pass Taco Bell's all the time, but for some reason this morning I thought about my GG. She loved Taco Bell. It made me think that it's been almost 5 months since she passed away and it's gone by so fast. I was thinking about her a lot today because I waited on a bunch of older customers. I was remembering how funny she used to be...how she had so many opinions and she was never scared to tell you. It's so nice to think about all the wonderful memories that she brought to our lives. I miss her.

I was also thinking about Amanda's family and how hard her Mema getting lung cancer has been on everyone. I know that Amanda wants to do more for them, but it's definitely been hard with residency happening right now. We're driving over to Pensacola tomorrow so we can take them out to lunch and spend a little bit of time with them. Even though her stories are long and drawn out, they are almost always interesting...and by the time we leave we have almost always learned something new. They are funny and we also enjoy our time when we go to their house. Can't wait for tomorrow.

This past week I have also been struggling with the situation that is my father. I am just so lost as to what to say to him and how to approach the situation. It's hard when you get older and you are an adult and you have problems with your parent who is suppose to act older than you are. I feel as though he does not...I feel as though I have to be the adult in the situation and I don't want to feel like that. I want my father to be older and wiser...but I don't think this is going to happen. Ugh, it's frustrating...but one of these days I will figure things out.

I am visiting my mom and sister and niece next month and I couldn't be more excited. It's crazy how you miss people when you don't see them for months. I don't even care what we do...I just want to spend time with them. I see pictures of Em and I think time is flying and she's growing up so fast. I can't wait to go home! I do, however, talk to them everyday so that helps a little bit :)

This is my blog about family, but I couldn't leave out my family that I have here in my own home. They are just wonderful. Amanda and I have made our family here in New Orleans with Rebound and we couldn't be happier :)

Hope everyone is great!!!