Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wii Fit

So, I need to put this out there so that I can be held accountable. I have started a venture of trying to lose weight. A couple of years ago I lost a lot of weight and I have gained about 15 lbs back since then, give or take a little bit. I feel like I need to get back down to where I was a couple of years ago. Now, I'm not going to put my exact weight on here, but I will put how much I'm gaining/losing. We got a Wii Fit for Christmas and I have been using it over the past few weeks, it's pretty cool. You can get your BMI, Weight, Play games, etc on it. I love it. So, that's how I will keep up. So, let's start with last week...I had lost 1.3 lbs. Today, I had gained 1.87 lbs back. Boo. So...moving onto tomorrow. My goal is actually set in the Wii for 12 we shall see. I'm excited! I'm ready!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Reading!

So, it's Tuesday night and normally I am ready for my week to be over...but I have to say that this week is not like that. I'm in such a good mood, just ask my co-workers...they can't believe it. Ha, no really, I'm just in a good mood and nobody is going to bring me down. :)

I finally finished the 5th Harry Potter Book and it was good, but now I need a break from all of that. I tend to really only read on my lunch break at work, so it of course takes me 10 years to finish a book. So, since I needed a new book, I went onto the bookshelf and saw "It's not about the bike: my journey back to life" by Lance Armstrong. I've gotta say he's a very inspirational person, so I thought...sure. Amanda said she had read it a long time ago and it was good. I started it today and I've only read the first chapter and I already feel like it's going to be really good. I've had a lot go on this year already and I have learned a lot, so I'm hoping that this book can teach me something about myself; about picking up and moving on and learning new things in the process.

Happy Reading!