Sunday, August 31, 2008

In Mobile for the hurricane...

We are in mobile and staying put. We left New Orleans yesterday after Amanda got off work and it took us over 5 hours to get to Mobile when it typically takes about 2 hours. We are a tad bit nervous about to be expected. We are hoping for the best and just waiting things out here.

Hope all is well where you guys are!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I'm sitting here thinking about the storm that is brewing and they are saying heading straight towards New Orleans...and all I can think about is our house...our precious new house. Sighhh...well, can't really worry about it to much or you'll go crazy. I wasn't as worried this morning until my mom started freaking out on me and then everybody at the bank today was talking and asking where I was going to evacuate and such...ugh, I don't know, haven't really thought about it. Amanda and I talked tonight and came up with a game plan as to what would happen...but still it is making my nerves crazy. Guess we will just have to keep our eye on it. And on top of that my sister, brother-in-law, and niece are suppose to be coming on Friday to spend Labor Day weekend with us, but who knows if they are going to be able to come now. So the wait is the hardest because we won't really know anything until at least Saturday to see where the storm might go. It's all a guessing game at this point. But Amanda and I have made our trip to Walmart and have gathered up our water and supplies and so we think we might be set for at least a couple of days...hmmm...well, have to wait and see on that one!

Hope all is well!

Monday, August 18, 2008


I have been watching the olympics as much as I can. Amanda would say that I am crazy about it because I put it on dvr and then I watch it all night when I get home from work. I just say that it only comes around once every 4 years, which makes it that much more exciting. I have just been amazed at the swimming and the gymnastics. I don't understand how you can make your body go that fast or that far in the air.

We went to the saints game the other night and it was so much fun! I had to postpone my olympic watching until Sunday...but I was okay with that. Myo and Preston were a couple of sections away, so when the people next to them cleared out, we made our way over there and got to hang out with them the rest of the game. They lost, but hopefully that is just pre-season jitters. We officially have the season opener for the Saints...we won them on ebay...and we're excited. Now we just have to hope that Amanda is off work that Sunday! Cross your fingers for us!

Hope all is well.