Monday, August 29, 2011

Here are a few of my favorite things about Regan...

Here are a few of my favorite things about Regan...

Her smiles in the mornings. The twinkle in her eye. The way she giggles. The look of delight when you hand her a light up toy. When she is in the Bjorn, how she kicks her feet constantly. I love when she looks in the mirror...she has no idea that she's laughing at herself. Her little outfits are the best. The sighs she makes when she's on my shoulder about to fall asleep. The smiles she has when I pick her up from daycare. Feeding her breakfast, she says mmm... and she gets so excited! The look of enjoyment in her eyes when Rebound gives her kisses. I absolutely love going in her room at night to watch her sleep, one of the sweetest times we have. I am so in love with this little girl. She completes my world.

Monday, August 15, 2011

4 1/2 Months

Newborn picture
She's almost 5 months now!

Ok, so I have been such a slacker in posting on the blog that I have just got to do better. Regan is 4 1/2 months here is an update of what has been going on around our house.

In the mornings when you go into her room she is on her belly looking up at you and grinning from ear to ear. If you roll her over, she will just smile at you and try to roll back over. Some days you have to wake her up and she is a hard one let me tell you...she will rub her eyes for 5 minutes trying to wake up and Amanda always says that she's going to be a hard teenager to wake up, haha!

She loves her food and when she wants it...she wants it right then. She started on Rice Cereal but she was having some reflux so we stopped it this week to see if that would help and it did, so we're going to try something different next week...Oatmeal, yummy! We shall see how it goes.

Bath night = the most fun Regan has anytime. She absolutely loves kicking, splashing, and giggling at our silly songs we sing to her...I think it's the most fun any of us have :)

She is starting to scoot around, well kind of. She definitely wants to crawl, she came home from daycare one night and she must have seen some of the babies crawling around and so she tried to figure it out...ha, it's so cute. Amanda says our life is about to be over when she starts crawling around.

We take walks pretty regularly with our neighbors and Regan is almost always in the Baby Bjorn and she loves it. There are 2 things that will happen, either she will fall asleep or she will kick her legs the whole time and laugh.

Rebound and Regan are becoming fast friends...well, at least Regan thinks so! She loves to tug on him and pull him. We keep telling him that once she starts crawling she is going to come after him, because right now he walks away if he gets annoyed...things will be changing soon!

That's just a few things and here are a couple of pictures of how quickly Regan has grown up in the past 4 1/2 months, crazy how fast time is flying...probably because we're having so much fun!!!

Much love from Regan :)