Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Regan Lynn

Wow, what a week have just had! Regan Lynn England was born on March 22, 2011 at 6:08 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 ozs, and she was 19 inches long. As I type this I am looking at our beautiful little girl with tears in my eyes.

Our delivery was definitely not that bad. I had to be induced because my blood pressures were creeping up. A couple of hours after they broke my water, I was fully dilated and Regan was ready to make her debut. Pushed for 20 minutes and that was about it until the doctor came in...then a couple more pushes and she was out. Amanda was able to pull her out and put her on my chest and we instantly were in love.

What an amazing experience being a mother is...I know I have many many more years ahead, but it's already the most rewarding and most special thing that I have ever done in my life. I look at her and I am just filled with so many emotions. Watching Amanda with her melts my heart every time. I have got to the be the luckiest girl in the world...I have the most amazing little family.

We cannot wait to see what the next days, weeks, and years have in store for us. We are so ready to go on this journey with Regan :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The past few days...

This past weekend we finally finished her room and we couldn't be happier!!! We feel so accomplished to get it all done :) I absolutely love seeing her name written out, because I love her name so much.

Amanda refinished a bookcase that we already had and it turned out wonderful! It matches the other furniture so good.

We had the bedding picked out for a girl even before we knew it was going to be Regan. We absolutely loved the animals in the bedding. It has different shades of purples, some khaki, some light orange, and some pink...we love it! I think the elephant is the cutest!

We even find Rebound in the room sometimes just laying down. :) He's confused, but we know he will love Regan and they will be the best of friends!

The chair in the corner was one of the biggest purchases, but I have to say that it is so comfortable and I wouldn't trade it for anything!!! Cannot wait to sit with Regan in the chair and listen to quiet music together :)

So last Saturday we went to Babies R Us to buy the last few things that we know we're going to need right at the beginning and we found this adorable little outfit for a newborn. It is so cute and I cannot wait for her to wear it. But the funny story is...Amanda and I were talking about how cute it was because it was 2 outfits and a hat. Amanda was like the hat is so cute, but it looks like a Stegosaurus Dinosaur and all I could do was laugh, because obviously that is not what it is a flower to match the outfit?!?! :) We just laughed and laughed, I guess we're getting a little out of it and delirious.

So now we are still sitting and waiting. I was once again placed in the hospital on Tuesday night. This time was different, it was because I had high blood pressure. Needless to say, Regan does not want me to work anymore, so I am officially on bedrest until she decides to make her appearance. We're hoping it's going to happen sooner rather than later! We have our bags packed and the carseat is in Amanda's car, so we are ready...but just waiting!

Dear Regan, Mama is starting to get uncomfortable and both of your mommies cannot wait for you to get here. We are ready to be able to hold you in our arms instead of just feeling you move in my belly. We pray every night that you are growing strong and that when you are ready, you will make your appearance. Many people are ready to meet you too. You are one loved little girl!!

Your inpatient mommies :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The waiting game...

So, now we are into the waiting game and on pins and needles all the time because we're just not sure when Regan will make her appearance. She decided to throw a curve ball this week that ended up with me being in the hospital overnight. Came home and now it's just like..."what do we do now.?!"

Her room is almost ready and hopefully Amanda can get some of the stuff put on the walls this weekend and then we can post some pictures. We are ready for her :)

Man, but these days I'm just emotional when it comes to anything and everything. Hormones are definitely going crazy and it's hard to keep them under control. I'm not the type that screams and yells, but I am the type that will just start crying and cannot stop. Amanda is being so wonderful and supportive and I couldn't ask for anything more. She is amazing and I cannot wait to see how she is with Regan too!