Friday, January 22, 2010


This week has been such a has literally been the worst week of my life. Sitting in a room watching your grandmother die is not something I would ever make anyone do. As I sit there I watch her stomach go up and down. All the while thinking about the many great memories that we have had over the years. Larry, one of the ministers said it best when we were in the ER and she was intubated, that isn't it funny all the good thoughts you have for someone at times like these instead of negative ones. All we have done this week is laugh at the many memories we have created with her and then the few more we have added this week with her as well. After her ER visit we moved her to hospice across the street and that is where she has been. The day after she got moved she actually started talking, I know that medicine wouldn't be able to explain this, but it happened...and my Aunt said it was our little miracle. And in a small way that is true, she came back just as grumpy and ornery. Haha her telling us to "leave her alone." It's funny, in a sense. Yesterday all she did was sleep and occasionally she would begin to choke. She's taking about 7 breathes a minute and it's just agonizing to watch. I have sat in a room with her for the past 3 days watching her die. I know she's ready to see Jesus, we are just waiting for Jesus to be ready.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

This past week...

Last night we went to Biloxi to visit with was the happiest I have ever seen her.

This past week has been a bit of a blur. Last weekend we got a call from Amanda's cousin that Mema had had a stroke and was on her way in the Ambulance to the Emergency Room. Amanda was on call, but once she got home we were on a way to try and figure out what was going on. After it was all said and done, we found out on Sunday that she has Lung Cancer that has spread to her brain. Even re-reading that last sentence it doesn't seem like it could be real. Thinking back about last night and how happy she was, you would never know that she has this black cloud hanging over her. It's funny though, even with all this bad news this week, I was talking to her on the phone tonight and she has a very positive attitude towards everything. She is such an amazing woman! Tomorrow morning is the brain surgery to take the mass out and then we shall see what needs to be done about the chemo.

When something like this happens you truly understand how a family can pull together and take care of each other. I am so glad that Amanda has myself and her family support to get through these tough times.

Please keep her and her family in your thoughts in the morning...