Thursday, August 23, 2012

17 months

17 months of Regan...cannot believe it!  I asked Amanda to weigh her last night so that we could kind of see, and she came in at 22 lbs.  Man, I was thinking she weighed more than that because when I pick her up for a while it feels like my arm is going to fall off.  And when I run with her in the jogging stroller it is very hard.  Nonetheless, she's around 22 pounds, wearing all kinds of sizes in clothes.  Shorts-12 months and some 18 months, shirts-definitely 18 months, shoe size-5ish, but we're buying 6's now.  I can tell she's getting bigger because her bows in her hair are looking smaller ;)  She only takes 1 nap at school, but still takes 2 naps with us.  She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffins, but also enjoys So you think you Can Dance and any type of music.  She's become very independent here lately, a little too much at times.  She still drinks her milk from a sippy cup with a straw, but any other type of drink we have her on a "big girl" cup.  She thinks Deer are dogs and can now say the word basketball thanks to a kid toy from Wendy's...I'm guessing we should actually buy her a baby basketball.  The words she can say are Mama, dog, Rebound (well, sort comes out Bound), sippy, shoe, Love you (I think that's what she's saying), hi, bye...she knows some animals now and is in love with the Itsy Bitsy Spider song :)  These are just a few things, but we definitely noticed that she will try to copy anything you do...we have to be careful.  Being her Mama is mostly fun, except for those nights that she doesn't want to sleep and the fits she throws on the ground now.  Who said that it happens at 2 is crazy, she's already getting into those.  We're hoping that we can work around those and that they will eventually go away, but who am I kidding...our child is very independent and when you tell her "No" for something she wants to's over.  Nonetheless we're having fun and Regan is the cutest little thing, but who I am to tell you guys's proof :)

The England's :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well, the 2012 Olympics have started and we opened our Olympics with Evan and Regan dismounting off of the couch onto the floor...aka Toddler Olympics at Meredith & Brian's :)  It was fun.  I am very much enjoying the Olympics and so is Regan!!!  She is in love with the diving and will clap when they are is totally the cutest thing.  Then of course it makes you think about all of these people and that they have mothers who are supporting them...which in turn makes me think about the things that Regan could do.  Kind of fun to think about years down the road.  Does she have the drive, does she have the she not skilled in sports like her Mama or be very sporty like her Mommy...haha, all funny thoughts.  Of course then reality sinks back in as she has on 10 Mardi Gras necklaces and loves her pink sparkly Toms...oh yeah our baby is a sports might not be too high on her priorities. doesn't matter, we will love her all the same :)
Toddler Olympics :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ok ok ok...

Ok ok...I haven't blogged in forever.  I'm like the horrible online guru blogger.  I like to look at everybody else's blog and then think to myself about what I should blog about...until I've realized I've been contemplating for hours and so it's time to go to bed.  This has been my life for the past several months ;) 

Updates to our life: 
We now live in the beautiful state of North Carolina with all the trees (yay) and all the traffic (yuck)!  But nonetheless, we love it so far!  Our child is now almost 16 months old and has an attitude at times to prove it, more updates on her in a different paragraph.  Amanda started at UNC and as she put it...and she made it through her first night on call with 55 babies, I would say that is a success!  I have transferred with Regions and now work in Raleigh, stressful, but good...some days are harder than others I suppose.  Rebound likes his new house, except for the stairs, but definitely enjoys barking at the bunnies and the deer that come into the yard.  Our life has settled down a bit and we now feel like we're home...except for our neighborhood...boy do we miss our neighbors in Nola. 

Onto Regan: 
She will be 16 months in 4 days and I cannot believe where the time has gone.  Quickly time flies when you have to keep up with a little girl who's hair is starting to turn wavy, giggles if you dance in front of her, watches tv with us and claps at the appropriate times after a dance on 'So you think you Can Dance,' throws the ball mostly in the right direction, slides down the stairs...and then goes back up the stairs, knows exactly what she wants but doesn't have the big girl words to tell us, gives hugs and kisses, loves shopping, plays on playgrounds, sits at the big girl table, drinks out of sippy cups that are not meant for her age, eats gogurt (with some help of course), loves her sunglasses, and her puppy...and so much more.  Our life has continued with more adventures.  Never did I realize that Regan would be able to turn me into a Mama...a person that I longed to be for so long, but didn't truly understand the meaning until she came into my life.  I had my perceptions of what parenthood would be like, but it has most definitely been more than I could have ever imagined and I am so thankful to continue all the fun we're having :)  Amanda and I are so proud of her, for the learning and the growing that she has done in just the past couple of months...cannot imagine what is too come, but we're ready! 

Promise that there will be more updates to come...I will be better about putting my thoughts onto the blog that I'm quite sure everyone wants to read about it :) 

The England's (AKA...Cheryl)

Here's some pictures...

Before church :)
New pool!

Aunt Tristan playing with bubbles on 4th of July
Cousins :)

Regan's Doctor and our friend Cat :)

Meesh & Brian...miss them already!

So pretty!