Monday, May 31, 2010

The month of May is gone already... :(

So, we have been waiting for the month of May to get here for so long and now it's officially the last day of the month. Man, how time is flying...

This month was great. Our calendar looked full, but it really wasn't. We had a few visitors around and then vacation.

Let's talk about was much needed and it was amazing. We went to Puerto Rico for an entire week. Now, it rained every day, but that definitely was not going to spoil anything and Amanda and I keep saying that that was God telling us not to get burnt :) The resort that we stayed at was just amazing. I don't think I have ever stayed anywhere like that. It was extremely nice...the room, the staff, the pool, the view from our room of the ocean, the food around the resort, the concierge, the casino, etc etc etc. I loved every minute. We had been waiting for a long time to just relax and we did. We would go to the pool in the morning before it would start raining and we would read our books and listen to the music and talk. We went with our friends Tristan and Russell from Raleigh and it was great just to have a great time with wonderful friends. We visited Old San Juan and explored different areas. We almost died more than once in the taxi trips...haha, we think they had a deal with the police because they all would got about 50 over the speed limit, totally crazy. We rented a car and drove to Farjardo to do a kayaking and snorkel trip. That was the first time I had been kayaking and it definitely tested Amanda and I...haha, but we made it. We also did the Bio Bay, and it was great except for the darkness before we got to the Bio Bay. Kayaking 2 times in one day...I told Amanda that it would be a long time we did that again ;) We didn't want to leave, but we made a ton of amazing memories. :)

Amanda has started a call month in the PICU, so her schedule will be quite busy, so most likely this month will go by as fast as last month did. Our neighborhood BBQ is happening next weekend and we're excited, because it's just a wonderful time with our neighbors and Amanda can go too, yay!

I get to see my family in about a month and I couldn't be more excited! I'm ready.

Hope everyone is just wonderful. Until next time! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Month Later...

Well, officially summer has started. It's most definitely gotten much warmer around here...and the way I know this, every time I walk outside you just start sweating. We can't complain too much because we did have an awesome little break called Spring! We have done a little cleaning around the house and outside in the yard area. Paul came over and helped us pressure wash the house and also the bricks on the front. I really wish we had taken a before and after picture because it is like 1000% better. The bricks have never looked like they do now. And he even did it on his birthday. We are so happy to have him in our lives. That same day we pulled out Rebound's pool...and needless to say, he was really really happy :)

For Amanda's birthday I bought her Carrie Underwood tickets. I know her birthday was in January, but we have been looking forward to her birthday celebration since then and we definitely were not let down. She was amazing!!! You hear her on the radio or on the tv and she really sounds and looks like that. It was just an amazing show and she sang all of our favorite songs! :) Amanda was in heaven!

Amanda's friend Megan from college is coming this weekend and so we're excited to be tourists with her. It's always fun to find new things in the city you live in. Can't wait to see what kind of trouble we get in! :)

Now, we are just waiting on our vacation to get here. We are going to Puerto Rico the last week in May. It is a much needed break and we're ready. Tristan and Russell are coming with us and I think it's going to be just a great time to relax and have fun with friends.

I am missing my family, but I did book a trip for the weekend of the 4th of July. Amanda is not able to come with me, but we're still going to have fun! I cannot wait.

Things are just wonderful for us here in good old New Orleans. We are loving living here even more than we thought we could have. I absolutely love it here and I love the culture that we are surrounded with every day. I think I have fallen in love and Amanda might have to drag me kicking and screaming...haha, no no, not really, but I do love it here. This would be a perfect place if the schools were better and it was maybe a little less hot! Ha.

Hope all is well!